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Anna vs Lori - maasmellow - 25-01-2009 11:49

Godammit this is a tough one. 906 has Lori on right now wearing a very sexy dress, while 909 has Anna on with a very skimpy skirt and knee high boots. I cant decide who is sexier, they are both amazing. Thank god for sky+ so I dont have to miss either lol

But I put this to you, and I know some will hate me for posing the question, but who is hotter/sexier, Anna or Lori?

RE: Anna vs Lori - Shandy - 25-01-2009 11:50

ohhh that is a hard choice!!!!

i have to go with Lori tho, she was my first on here... lol

RE: Anna vs Lori - scotslion1985 - 25-01-2009 11:58

ahh hard to say amm i gonna go with lori

RE: Anna vs Lori - Dreamlander - 25-01-2009 12:06

If you called the thread 'Anna vs Lori vs Baby oil' there would be a lot more replies! Big Grin Anyway my answer is Anna,there's a naughty girl behind those gorgeous eyes!


RE: Anna vs Lori - $h!ny h3lm3t - 25-01-2009 13:22

Dreamlander Wrote:Anyway my answer is Anna,there's a naughty girl behind those gorgeous eyes!

I am sure there is, what i'd do to find out Wink

RE: Anna vs Lori - jordo - 25-01-2009 13:33

I saw "Anna vs Lori" and had my mind made up before I even read the thread. Lori for me everytime.

RE: Anna vs Lori - $h!ny h3lm3t - 25-01-2009 13:35

Must confess Lori is growing on me tho'.
Anna just has the upper hand Smile

RE: Anna vs Lori - steven6 - 25-01-2009 14:02

afraid i'd pick anna anyday

RE: Anna vs Lori - Firebird - 25-01-2009 14:04

Iv just got up ...& Lori is gracing my screen Smile You probably new that anyway!
Lori wore that nice dress on her last night before she finished day before xmas, and she was shaking the tassles around on that show.

RE: Anna vs Lori - Shandy - 25-01-2009 14:14

haha, she did look good in it! and liking the new outfit. anna is looking great in her boots and being cheeky with her glove!