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Adult broadcaster fined £90k by Ofcom - Printable Version

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Adult broadcaster fined £90k by Ofcom - mr anderson - 24-06-2011 15:40

Ofcom has today fined Satellite Entertainment Limited (SEL) £90,000 for "serious and repeated" breaches on its Essex Babes, Northern Birds and Live XXX Babes channels.

SEL was called to a meeting on May 9 at Ofcom about the three channels, all available in the adult section of Sky's electronic programme guide.

Ofcom was particularly concerned about SEL's repeated refusal to supply recordings of programming on the channels, as required under its broadcast licence.

The regulator also noted that SEL had "lost control of its own services" during a six-week period by "allowing another company to transmit using its licences".

Ofcom judged that the breaches were so serious as to require the imposition of a £90,000 fine on SEL, payable to the HM Paymaster General.

"After considering all of the evidence and representations made to it, the committee decided that these Licence Condition 11 breaches were so serious and repeated that a financial penalty should be imposed," said Ofcom.

"The committee considered that the licensee's refusal to supply Ofcom with recordings constituted a very serious licence contravention. The committee noted that the licensee's behaviour served only to frustrate the regulatory process and that this was unacceptable.

"The committee further considered that for a six-week period the licensee had lost control of its own services. The committee found this failure to maintain control of its service to fall far beneath the standards required of a licence holder."

SEL is no stranger to rebukes from Ofcom, after being rapped for ten breaches of the Broadcasting Code in 2007 and 2008, as well as a further six breaches last year.

The broadcaster's Sports XXX Babes service was fined £20,000 in 2008, while SEL was also criticised in November 2010 for material transmitted on Sport XXX Girl.

Also last November, Ofcom revoked the four adult channel broadcast licences owned by Bang Channels and Bang Media for "numerous and repeated breaches" of editorial standards.

RE: Adult broadcaster fined £90k by Ofcom - Chilly - 24-06-2011 15:46

Take a deep breath before you reply to this thread, Scottishbloke. Wink

RE: Adult broadcaster fined £90k by Ofcom - SYBORG666 - 24-06-2011 15:58

That actually explains alot. It is clear now (in my eyes) that this fine from Ofcom pushed the Sportxxx channels over the edge and clearly on to the babechannel scrapheap with the rest of the extinct channels. Now lets just hope another company will come and takeover their channels, rather than the one who has them at the moment.

RE: Adult broadcaster fined £90k by Ofcom - Digital Dave - 24-06-2011 16:48

(24-06-2011 15:46 )Chilly Wrote:  Take a deep breath before you reply to this thread, Scottishbloke. Wink
annoyed annoyed Fuck Ofcom, fuck fuck fucking bunch of fascists. Our brave boys are dying in Afghanistan, and for what? All our freedoms are gone, fucking Ofcom, burn in hell etc/Scottishbloke


RE: Adult broadcaster fined £90k by Ofcom - mrmann - 24-06-2011 17:07


What else is new? I wonder how many more channels we will lose soon? The channels are lame at the moment because of the censorship, but they don't have the balls to stand up to Ofcom either, so everyone is screwed except them, as usual.

I guess we can expect boring shows from now on. Why bother calling or watching if things are so tamed? I guess the channels don't mind taming things as long as they can still make money, but I've noticed a severe lack of calls on these channels lately, which could mean that people are tired of the same old same old. The producers on these channels aren't going to do anything about it, because it could mean the end for them, so they just play it safe and provide a mostly lame show.

What can be done? This year needs to be a game changer.

RE: Adult broadcaster fined £90k by Ofcom - StanTheMan - 24-06-2011 17:16

(24-06-2011 16:48 )Digital Dave Wrote:  
(24-06-2011 15:46 )Chilly Wrote:  Take a deep breath before you reply to this thread, Scottishbloke. Wink
annoyed annoyed Fuck Ofcom, fuck fuck fucking bunch of fascists. Our brave boys are dying in Afghanistan, and for what? All our freedoms are gone, fucking Ofcom, burn in hell etc/Scottishbloke


Never mind Scottishbloke - this is exactly how we should all be feeling!! It's a fucking outrage, it really is!! annoyedannoyed

You know what fucks me of more than anything? Their constant use of 'breeches were so serious...". Fuck off, you bunch of kunts!! Why do they go on like some awful fucking crime has been committed?

That's it, Ofcom, you carry on with your fight to get this harmful sexual imagery off our screens, while allowing stuff like reality violence and torture porn to air everynight on the mainstream channels. I mean, someone that enjoys sitting in front of their tv watching 60 minutes of pub fights and street attacks caught on cctv is obviously a perfectly healthy individual, aren't they?

This has angered me more than my feeble words can express.

RE: Adult broadcaster fined £90k by Ofcom - StanTheMan - 24-06-2011 18:06

I'm going to wallow in a night of QI, Red Dwarf, Only Fools and Horses and Auf Weidersehen, Pet to make myself feel better.

Meanwhile, I hope every single one of the people on the Ofcom board get struck down with some horrible disease that kills them... painfully and slowly.

RE: Adult broadcaster fined £90k by Ofcom - mr mystery - 24-06-2011 18:17

Right guys for the first time ever i am not going to have a go at Ofcom over this one , they have not found SEL in breach for any overly sexual imagery or bad language or any thing at all that's been shown on adult tv , the fines were for repeatedly refusing to supply recordings , as far as i know ALL channels and not just adult channels are required to under their licence agreement if requested be able to supply recordings of the shows , SEL refused on numerous occasions to supply recordings , So what other choice had Ofcom got ? . SEL or should i say the channel that was leasing the Sport channels at that time was just fucking stupid they knew the rules .
If SEL had been found in breach for showing some sort of sexual imagery in a Adult 18+ section of the Sky EPG that Ofcom thought was to explicit then i would be also criticizing Ofcom like i usually do , but not this time they had no other choice IMO .
PS the channel that was using the Sport channels at that time should IMO get the fine and not SEL .

RE: Adult broadcaster fined £90k by Ofcom - Rammyrascal - 24-06-2011 18:36

exactly for once its not ofcom they were found in breach of not co-operating and surely theyve seen what happened to bangbabes when they werent cooperating but they didnt and ofcom got them

RE: Adult broadcaster fined £90k by Ofcom - blackjaques - 24-06-2011 19:22

Did Ofcon want recordings of the channel's output because they were reportedly too explicit?

SEL were really bloody stupid for not supplying recordings but I will not let Ofcon off the hook either.