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Summer miserable :( - Printable Version

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Summer miserable :( - Digital Dave - 02-02-2009 03:39

[removed as requested by Digital Dave]

RE: Summer miserable :( - HEX!T - 02-02-2009 03:58

i know summer said she hasnt been well the last couple of days, maybe thats the reason for her lack of energy.

RE: Summer miserable :( - Dreamlander - 02-02-2009 10:51

We have all said that as night girls they should be able to cope with the weirdos but they do seem to get more than their fair share of abusive callers and after all these girls are only early 20's at most and shouldn't have to put up with this.A more supportive producer would help.I know that on the other channels the producer listens to the calls and can therefore disconnect the call,make a joke or comfort the model off camera if the caller is a psycho,help them laugh it off.I wonder if this is the case with 960,as they have only just got 2 lines! If there is no one between the model and caller then it must make them feel a bit isolated if they do get a bad call.
If it was just Summer feeling unwell or a little down in the dumps then I wish her a speedy recovery and she should go to one of her many threads to help cheer herself up! Smile !


RE: Summer miserable :( - summer - 02-02-2009 12:42

LOL not professional ill thank you to keep your opinions to yourself so i was feeling unwell was actually doubled up in pain with tummy cramps i am very sorry!!! this did nit impress you!! jeez!!

RE: Summer miserable :( - Shandy - 02-02-2009 12:48

Hey summer, that sucks!!! hope you feel better soon!!

RE: Summer miserable :( - Stewartie - 02-02-2009 13:10

Summer was saying on her own Facebook on Saturday that she was feeling like shit and aching from head to toe. Obviously things didn't get any better over the weekend.
So what is the "professional" thing to do - call off?? Trouble is that whoever runs the station might not see it that way. Its a no win situation for the girl in front of the camera because no-one knows the circumstances.Sad
Summer take care and get well!!

RE: Summer miserable :( - dondoe returns - 02-02-2009 13:21

I always think the guys who run this channel don't seem to know what to do????

RE: Summer miserable :( - Stewartie - 02-02-2009 13:56

dondoe Wrote:I always think the guys who run this channel don't seem to know what to do????

Well Ive just caught a bit of the daytime show via Channel 907 and I am totally bewildered. There are three girls on but in separate locations.. wtf?? Two are staring at the camera. April has stifled a yawn/cough twice and now appears to be reading something.. or maybe checking out the latest on this forum!!
At least if they were all together they could chat to each other.. I have yet to see a phone in sight!! Amazing. Where's that producer guy.. caught in a snowdrift??

RE: Summer miserable :( - Shandy - 02-02-2009 14:01

its just the video loop on now, offscreen calls only.

RE: Summer miserable :( - Digital Dave - 02-02-2009 14:18

summer960 Wrote:LOL not professional ill thank you to keep your opinions to yourself so i was feeling unwell was actually doubled up in pain with tummy cramps i am very sorry!!! this did nit impress you!! jeez!!

Flippin' 'eck! You're as daft as April when it comes to not comprehending posts properly before responding to them. If you read my post carefully you'll see that I was concerned for you and wondered what was wrong.

My comments about 'not professional' refered to the duty producer not looking after you and allowing you to remain on screen when something was obviously wrong.

Anyway, if you were feeling unwell you should've taken time off work. It's utterly pointless you being on screen looking thoroughly miserable. If the channel doesn't have a backup that's their problem, not yours.

Perhaps reads posts a little more carefully before you jump down people's throats. I'm offended by your aggressive response, especially as I was very much on your side. Sad