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Why do people call these channels? - Printable Version

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Why do people call these channels? - OurJud - 05-02-2009 16:22

At the risk of being labelled a troll (it wouldn't be a first, but there's a difference between trolling and speaking one's mind) can I ask a serious question, one that I'd genuinley like to know the answer to? Why do you (that's a general 'you' to anyone that this applies to) call these shows? It seems to me that many of the callers are under the misapprehension that the girls they call actually care about them... that there's some kind of 'connection' between them. You see it in the text messages too; soppy compliments to the girls regarding their dress or hair, texted in because the sender believes it will adhere him to the babe on screen. These girls are doing a job. They're being paid to be polite to anyone that's polite to them. This means, therefore, that they're flirting and having phone sex with men who, for the majority of callers, wouldn't even get a second glance in the real world. I know I certainly wouldn't get a second glance, and this is why I refuse to offer myself up for such patronisation, and futhermore have to cough up a pound fifty a minute for the privilege of said patronisation.

RE: Why do people call these channels? - cherryryder - 05-02-2009 16:26

It's a turn-on when a hot babe describes sucking on your hard cock over the phone and your watching it on live tv..

RE: Why do people call these channels? - OurJud - 05-02-2009 16:29

Even though you know she wouldn't come near it in real life? Presuming you don't look like Brad Pitt, of course.

RE: Why do people call these channels? - cherryryder - 05-02-2009 16:31

OurJud Wrote:Even though you know she wouldn't come near it in real life? Presuming you don't look like Brad Pitt, of course.

it's a fantasy...

RE: Why do people call these channels? - OurJud - 05-02-2009 16:33

It's an expensive fantasy.

RE: Why do people call these channels? - cherryryder - 05-02-2009 16:40

Some would class it as expensive, some wouldn''s relative...

The thing that I found baffling is when guys like you question people who call the channels...your wankers too, you're in absolutely no position to put your nose up to us...I find the majority of people who don't call, can't call be it due to financial reasons or biological (the lack of testicles)...

RE: Why do people call these channels? - tsurugi - 05-02-2009 16:43

would it not be cheaper to hire a whore

RE: Why do people call these channels? - cherryryder - 05-02-2009 16:46

Doesn't appeal to me but I'm not ignorant enough to question the people who do it..

RE: Why do people call these channels? - SmĀ© - 05-02-2009 17:15

cherryryder Wrote:Doesn't appeal to me but I'm not ignorant enough to question the people who do it..
Ha ha! Whatever you do,dont get into a taxi in prague with a hooker....

RE: Why do people call these channels? - OurJud - 05-02-2009 17:17

cherryryder Wrote:your wankers too, you know...

Of course I'm a wanker. Why else would I watch these shows? To listen to the girl's inane microphone chats between her calls?

No the difference is, it doesn't cost me a fiver to knock one out over these babes and I don't go to bed with the misapprehension that any of them will be thinking about me.