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Future Rioting - SYBORG666 - 14-08-2011 04:36

After the recent riots across the UK and the Police being reluctant to show force due to fear of being sued.
Should the Army be called in when it becomes more than an isolated incident to help the Police to keep control.

RE: Future Rioting - seth - 14-08-2011 20:02

Yes they should but there's little chance of it happening unless there's hundreds of thousands of people rioting throughout cities. If Cameron had sent out the army he'd be admitting that the police can't handle a few 100 hooligans, and that doesn't bode well for his plan of making cuts to the police.

RE: Future Rioting - Scottishbloke - 14-08-2011 20:47

If the police who are well trained cannot handle a riot then they shouldn't be in the fucking job, simple as that. Afterall it's our hard earned money and tax's that funds the police so as far as I'm concerned ween out the useless and incapable with ones only fit to wear the uniform, leave the army to defend our country abroad and the police to police our streets at home.

RE: Future Rioting - bigguy01 - 14-08-2011 20:53

the issue is there not enough coppers trained for riots. all coppers should be trained for riots. the 1st night of riots caguht them off gaurd has they had enough numbers for a peaceful protest. if there had been any warnings of riots that night the met would have had all available trained coppers.

RE: Future Rioting - thinwhiteduke - 14-08-2011 21:08

Doesn't matter if it's the police or the army, either one has to do it with one hand tied behind their back.

RE: Future Rioting - Regenerated - 14-08-2011 21:18

I feel compelled to vote yes in light of the recent events. I would say though that it should be under moderation and only to assist the police, not to completely take over.

Perhaps the police need more training on when action is required, and more guidance of how to deploy officers more effectively. It's no use sending loads of police to one area and leaving another area completely unprotected and wide open to looters.

Oh and they should throw the book at all the rioters this time around, no-one should go unpunished, regardless of what they do or what their background is. People have died during the last lot of riots, and that's just not good enough. Sad

RE: Future Rioting - Money_Shot - 14-08-2011 21:39

The recent riots showed some serious inadequacies within the Police department. It was embarrassing to see our country being over-run by little wankers and I think the majority of people were left scratching their heads thinking why didn't the Police get stuck in, and how are these people allowed to do this!

The army would have solved the issues in the riots because they would have shown no mercy, and supported the police in numbers. However the thought of the army taking to the streets to do what the police should have done in the first place leaves me asking more questions then it answers.

I think it needs to be made clear what force is acceptable for police to use and should this force be used all of the time. There seems to be a lot of inconsistency in what is and isn't allowed to be used and whether or not policeman will receive any repercussions for being heavy handed.

Good thread by the way Smile

RE: Future Rioting - Scottishbloke - 14-08-2011 21:45

Can I just point out that all police are riot controlled trained and that's fact as it's covered in their basic training but once again just how well they have remembered their training was obvious for all to see, send them all on a refresher course or back to Police Academy, what we saw the other week was an utter shambles and embarrassment to the police that we the tax payer's fund all too well. They failed in their duties, simple as that and should be lambasted accordingly. Forget the Army, sort out the Police, it's a disgrace.

RE: Future Rioting - Regenerated - 14-08-2011 22:15

I agree with your points about refresher training for the police Scottishbloke. Their action (or lack of it) was disgraceful in the last lot of trouble.

Which is also why I feel they need help in dealing with these events. The army would provide that, but I am cautious too about one side taking over. We don't want that. The police are riot trained, but either forgot how to do it or got shit scared - and if either are true, it is an absolute shambles.

Refresher courses are a must because that inaction cannot be allowed to happen again.

The country can ill afford another episode like what we've seen, which is why I also think that the army are needed to see the threat be dealt with quickly and decisively in the future, although heaven forbid it ever arising again.

RE: Future Rioting - SYBORG666 - 14-08-2011 22:27

I think the Army should be called in for future riots to purely help the Police in numbers and force.
How I'd organise it is by having the Police patrol and secure residential neighboorhoods, The Army patrol and secure the City Centre's because I think then control and order would be kept.