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Ban Retards From Using Phones!!! - Printable Version

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Ban Retards From Using Phones!!! - THE INCREDIBLE BULK - 10-02-2009 14:32

Oh my fucking god!!! Has anyone ever had an experience with someone who was clearly too mentally damaged to use a mobile?

I was on the phone to my friend, when I recieved another call. So when I hung up, I text the number, asking who it was, because I didn't have that particular number saved...

So I get a reply

"Who's this?" Which is the exact same message I just sent...

So I reply with "Well, you just called me"

To which I get another response of..."I think you have the wrong number"

HOW the fuck can I have the wrong number? I went to missed calls, I find the last number that called me, and I text it straight from my phone...I was going to argue, but I think it's best that I just leave it, it's clearly either someone whos too dumb to comprehend common sense, or someone trying to wind me up, and either way, I don't like it.

Has anyone else ever had an experience like this with someone who is so incredibly infuriating?

RE: Ban Retards From Using Phones!!! - m100 - 10-02-2009 15:20

Yes and unfortunately more than once. The worrying thing is these people are allowed to vote,drive cars, and have children - whereas they should be locked up for their own (and our) safety.

RE: Ban Retards From Using Phones!!! - apmaddogg - 10-02-2009 15:46

couldn't of put it better myself m100 - damn i hate it when this happens! had it twice in 1 day.... both different numbers - got me so pissed off... so i smashed my phone into pieces! and two weeks later - found who was doing it!!!!


thats all i have to say about these kinda people!

RE: Ban Retards From Using Phones!!! - speedybert - 10-02-2009 15:53

Be warned there are several phone scams out there where when you reply to the mystery number you get charged a lot of money.If I get a number I don't recognise I don't phone back.You never know.

RE: Ban Retards From Using Phones!!! - Red - 10-02-2009 17:40

Well I haven't had one in a while but going back a ways I had an interesting couple of messages left for a women who had been cheating on her boyfriend. Boy was he not happy but the second message suggested he didn't wait long to hook up with someone else Big Grin

RE: Ban Retards From Using Phones!!! - jungleboy - 10-02-2009 18:26

I too have felt the cold side of telecommunications. Damn crazy people! It usually turns out that they had originally dialled the wrong number and then make out as if they hadn't rung you lol! And we are left thinking wtf lol

RE: Ban Retards From Using Phones!!! - Red - 11-02-2009 02:37

I'm still awaiting someone to think I'm a taxi company just so I can just say, "They're just coming round your corner" Big Grin

RE: Ban Retards From Using Phones!!! - *Kal-El* - 11-02-2009 02:53

i never answer a number i don't know.

RE: Ban Retards From Using Phones!!! - Mister Gummidge - 11-02-2009 03:02

At my old address, I was one digit away from the number of the local Chinese Restaraunt. Because at the time I was on a night shift pattern, getting phone calls at 10:30 a.m. asking to book a table for that night didn't exactly make for an even tempered start to the day. The first call of the day was always told politely that they had the wrong number. The idiots who rang back within two or three minutes because they hadn't bothered to dial correctly again found themselves talking to "Haing" who would take their booking and "Rook fowahd to seeing 'em tonight a' eight". The pillocks couldn't even detect a bad Benny Hill-esque attempt at a Hong Kong accent, so I would doze back over with happy images of them being turned away from a full restaraunt...

RE: Ban Retards From Using Phones!!! - *Kal-El* - 11-02-2009 03:47

bloody hell mate sounds like u had a rough time of it.