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Summer/Jessica withdrawl support group - Forum Style - 15-02-2009 01:24

The part of President Lincoln's famous quote that interests me is the bit about "you CAN please ALL of the people SOME of the time".

I dare say fans of Roxy, Nikki-Lee, Taylor and Charlie have been quite ecstatic this week (7th-14th Feb) seeing as their favs have appeared on the Rampant Rabbit section of Channel960 on numerous occasions. That's cool, I have no problems with the performers in question and I'm not so solipsistic that I expect what I want to see to dominate the schedules.

But, if I'm honest, I'm jonesing for some more Jessica/Summer night shows and I don't care who knows it. It's gotten so bad now that, even when I watch regular television, I find myself hoping that one of the two people on my screen rips the other's top off (not a pleasant thought when you're watching Ant and Dec). It even happens during the news, I could have sworn Peter Sissons introduced the meteorological forecast today on BBC1 saying "And now, here's a bitch with the weather". I need help.

Luckily, there is help available. And that is to put Jessica & Summer back on the night show together and end my suffering. Say it with me people, "my name is .... and I'm a Summer/Jessica-holic".

(Or not, your call).

RE: Summer/Jessica withdrawl support group - killyourself - 15-02-2009 01:58

Sorry m8 not me.
To put it politely i'm not Jessicas biggest fan and as for summer,well if she continues to put on the kind of show i've seen today then she can stay doing dayshows.She was fantastic-upskirt heaven

RE: Summer/Jessica withdrawl support group - oopnorth - 15-02-2009 02:23

First of all i need to find out what solipsistic means before I answer in full, but suffice it to say, I agree with my upskirt brethren, killyourself, and what he said about today's show.

RE: Summer/Jessica withdrawl support group - phallusfungus - 15-02-2009 02:27

oopnorth Wrote:First of all i need to find out what solipsistic means before I answer in full, but suffice it to say, I agree with my upskirt brethren, killyourself, and what he said about today's show.

Here's Philosophy 101 for you oopnorth. Bit heavy for me to read and summarise for you at 1.30 in the morning, so enjoy. Smile

Brings back memories of my first Philosophy class at uni. The lecturer drew a circle on the blackboard with a line down the middle and another line going from the middle line to the outside. That quarter was the students who dropped out by the end of the first week - about 20 left immediately never to return. The 2nd quarter represented those who dropped out by the end of the first term - more left never to return. More left when he said only about 25% of those originally enrolled actually passed the paper. For the record, I went to the pub the following week. I left the pub at the end of the year, walked into the exam room, wrote an essay slagging off feminists and failed dismally. Oh, that was the other Philosophy paper I did. Sad

RE: Summer/Jessica withdrawl support group - HEX!T - 15-02-2009 02:37

solipsisticism is to much for my tiny mind.... im just a hamster with a hardon and you made it wilt.... Sad

RE: Summer/Jessica withdrawl support group - oopnorth - 15-02-2009 02:42

Cheers phallusfungus, I've had a few sherberts tonight so I'll have a proper read of it tomorrow.

RE: Summer/Jessica withdrawl support group - Stewartie - 15-02-2009 02:42

I think you have got to give these things time. Summer is new to the channel but I think she brings personality to it (though I am somewhat biased as a long-term fan). Jessica has a multitude of critics on here and I can't comment too much on that because I am also new to the channel. However, Jess to my mind is a lovely girl and I'm sure her own personality will shine through given the right direction. She and Summer seem to get along very well and hopefully they may make a very good team.

[Image: pair.jpg]

RE: Summer/Jessica withdrawl support group - phallusfungus - 15-02-2009 02:43

Hexit Wrote:solipsisticism is to much for my tiny mind.... im just a hamster with a hardon and you made it wilt.... Sad

I hope you don't have a lisp Hexit. I'd hate to think what would happen if you tried to say it after a session down the boozer. Rolleyes

RE: Summer/Jessica withdrawl support group - phallusfungus - 15-02-2009 02:45

oopnorth Wrote:Cheers phallusfungus, I've had a few sherberts tonight so I'll have a proper read of it tomorrow.

I guess it's not bedtime reading after you've imbibulated a few vessels of the intoxicating potions.

RE: Summer/Jessica withdrawl support group - summer - 15-02-2009 03:23

heyaaaa thanks for comments i actually loved the daytime show!! hope i can do more lol!!