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Whats your Game of the Year 2011 - Printable Version

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Whats your Game of the Year 2011 - Wazo - 03-12-2011 03:22

So as were nearing the end of the year i was just wondering what every gamers Game of the year was seems to have been a great year for games.

My Game of the Year has to be Skyrim have been waiting for a new Elder scrolls game ever since i completed Oblivion an all its DLC an it was defiantly worth the wait as Skyrim is a fantastic game already put many hours into it an am sure it will keep me entertained for many hours more as well.

RE: Whats your Game of the Year 2011 - sweetsugar007 - 03-12-2011 03:26

MW3 by a country mile

RE: Whats your Game of the Year 2011 - Slave guy - 03-12-2011 12:32

For something with a completly new idea involved I'd possibly say LA Noire, but also MW3 is stunning, as is Forza 4! Its hard to bloody choose!!!!

RE: Whats your Game of the Year 2011 - supermario1983 - 03-12-2011 12:34

zelda skyward sword

RE: Whats your Game of the Year 2011 - Chimpy - 03-12-2011 12:35

Batman: Arkham City

RE: Whats your Game of the Year 2011 - wodenssun - 03-12-2011 12:38

its gotta be mw3

RE: Whats your Game of the Year 2011 - Jam Da Man - 03-12-2011 14:33

Skyrim. Been playing it every day since it came out almost a month ago, and there's still loads to see and do.

Fantastic game; A more than worthy successor to Morrowind and Oblivion. Smile

RE: Whats your Game of the Year 2011 - *Kal-El* - 03-12-2011 21:54

For me its out of Uncharted 3 or Batman Arkham City.

RE: Whats your Game of the Year 2011 - Regenerated - 03-12-2011 22:05

My favourite games to play this year have been Super Street Fighter 4: Arcade Edition and WWE AllStars for the PS3.

I've got WWE12 now but haven't had chance to put it on yet. I've heard good things about Batman: Arkham City and will be buying that soon in all probability. Smile

RE: Whats your Game of the Year 2011 - *Kal-El* - 04-12-2011 06:54

Adding Zelda Skyward Sword to the list, Beautiful game Smile.