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Shock To The System: Short Fiction - Printable Version

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Shock To The System: Short Fiction - SeanTheDon - 05-03-2012 22:47

Andy And Eoin
Sean "The Don" Jameson

Andy and Eoin,friends since childhood were sat in Andy's kitchen at the table drinking coffee.

"You know,it's incredible" said Andy,"That woman that had her cheating husband killed by a hitman,she would be so devastated at his betrayal that she would kill him?"

"Well,her heart was broke,they were married for 20 years" said Eoin.

Andy continued "Well,you know i've been messing around behind Janet's back for a while,things just aren't working out between us in bed,so i got me a fine college girl,think she would ever get someone to kill me?" Andy then chuckled at the thought.

Eoin finished his coffee then brought a gun from the waistline of his trousers,he pointed it at Andy.

"Whoa,Eoin,what you doing?" asked Andy,shocked.

Eoin just smiled at his friend of 18 years and said "Well,i guess Janet got inspired by that story of that woman and the hitman,sorry Andy"

Eoin pulled the trigger.


RE: Shock To The System: Short Fiction - SeanTheDon - 06-03-2012 13:42

Sean "The Don" Jameson

Amanda was chatting to a new friend on her instant messenger,they had been chatting for the past 3 hours.

Amanda types "I'm really enjoying this chat,i wish it could go on all evening."

the stranger who has called himself Mickey types back "You seem really nice,but i guess you want to go to bed now Sad "

Amanda smiles and types "It is nearly 1 in the morning,i have school in the morning,my parents don't know that i am still awake,he he"

Mickey types "Yeah,i am getting pretty uncomfortable where i am right now,getting a sore neck really."

Amanda replies "Where are you anyway?"

A pause for a while,then suddenly in big bold red letters,Mickey replies "UNDER YOUR BED!"

Before Amanda can even react,a hand from under her bed grabs her ankle from where she is sitting on her bed typing on her laptop,she falls to the floor and is dragged under the bed,her screams are drowned out by the noise of the television that her parents are watching downstairs.

Then the screams stop.


RE: Shock To The System: Short Fiction - SeanTheDon - 07-03-2012 11:59

Killer In You
Sean "The Don" Jameson

Derek was walking to the lift in his council block,he was reading the newspaper about the latest killing by the Needler,called that because he stabs his victims with a knitting needle.

The lift doors opened and Derek entered,Mrs Chester was there,Mrs Chester was a friendly 80 year old woman who got on well with everyone,she smiled at Derek as he entered the lift.

"Another murder by the Needler,so scary really to have a mad killer loose in your area" said Derek, "But i am not scared,i have black belt in karate you know and i was in a gang in my teens,let that Needler try and get me",he then chuckled.

"Well,i have no worries about this killer either" said Mrs Chester.

"I don't think he would go for old pensioners" said Derek "Seems to go for younger folk,like me".

"How true" said Mrs Chester,and she brought a knitting needle out her handbag and then stabbed Derek in the stomach,Derek looked shocked,she stabbed again,blood poured out his stomach.

"No...way" gasped Derek as he fell to the floor,dying.

The lift doors opened again at the ground floor,Mrs Chester put away her murder weapon and walked away to the shops,whistling happily.


RE: Shock To The System: Short Fiction - SeanTheDon - 08-03-2012 13:49

True Story
Sean "The Don" Jameson

Sean,Davey and Angela were sitting in Sean's living room with beers and music playing in the background,had been a pleasant evening,the talk between the three turned to real life murders.

"There is always that story about the woman driving home and an ax murderer was hiding in the back seat" said Angela,"That freaks me".

Davey laughed "That is just a myth,you probably saw that in a film or something" he said,"A real murder was that poor lassie in Italy,and that american student got off with it,i still think she did it" he added.

Sean chuckled and said "Those stories are so boring compared to the murder story i can tell."

Angela and Davey sipped their beers and looked at Sean,"Go on then,scare us Master Sean" giggled Angela.

Sean stood up and began talking "Well,there is the story of the 3 friends that hung out in a house one night,listening to some Led Zep and drinking their beers,not knowing the beers were poisoned,2 of the beers anyway".

Angela and Davey looked stunned for a bit then laughed.
"Yeah,nice one Sean" laughed Davey,"We all know that ain't real".

They chuckled then started to cough while chuckling,soon they were coughing up blood and began to feel really ill.

"Oh,it's very real my friends" said Sean as he sat and drank his beer.


RE: Shock To The System: Short Fiction - SeanTheDon - 09-03-2012 12:33

Catch Of The Day
Sean "The Don" Jameson

Malky set out on his boat at half 5 in the morning to go fishing at Jameson Pond,the earlier the better he thought,catch a lot of fish before anyone else does.

He got on his boat and set out far into the pond,Jameson Pond had a little history,20 years ago a girl named Rachel Woods drowned in the pond after being chased into it by drunken students,they say her ghost lives in the pond.

Malky ignored the ghost story from anyone that told him,he didn't believe in ghosts,all he knew was that Jameson Pond had some fine salmon and he loved fresh salmon and veg for his tea,so did his wife Vera.

He sat waiting for the fish to bite,hopefully he would catch a great big salmon,would be a tasty meal for him and Vera,he licked his lips at the thought of it.

Just then,his fishing line was being tugged,"Oh,here we go" said Malky,excitedly,"This sure is a big one,Vera will be pleased".

The tugging got more aggressive,Malky could barely hold onto his fishing rod,he used all his strength and then saw a pale girl's face under the water looking up at him,her hands pulling his line,Malky couldn't believe it,before he could do anything else,there was another big tug and Malky fell into the pond,he never got back to the surface and onto his boat.


RE: Shock To The System: Short Fiction - SeanTheDon - 11-03-2012 17:57

Grave Mistake
Sean "The Don" Jameson

Miranda went to the cemetery to lay flowers at the grave of her best friend,Hannah,who was stabbed to death a few months ago by Miranda's bf after a drunken arguement.

Miranda lay down some beautiful red roses,Hannah's favourite flower,she always loved getting roses,Miranda shed some tears as she lay them down,if only her bf Ross wasn't such a drunken violent hooligan then Hannah would still be here.

Miranda said "Hannah,i am missing you everyday,i am lost without you,college is so weird without you,i wish i could turn back the clock and everything would be fine,i wish we could be together again".Miranda then sobbed some more.

Just then,a decayed hand shot up from the grave,Miranda gasped,the hand grabbed Miranda's arm,then a decaying face came out the ground,maggots in the eye sockets,it was Hannah somehow back from the dead,Miranda screamed and tried to get away.

But Hannah kept a firm grip on her friend,she said "We can be together again,Miranda,together forever",and then she dragged Miranda down the grave with her,Miranda's screams soon silenced when she was under the soil.