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The Big Boobs Nightshows - Stewartie - 02-03-2009 02:44

i notice sadly . that this channel after 11.00pm turns into all the other channels, ie bang babes, etc.. bring back the class, bring back the sexiness .. leave the silicone enhanced fake gyrating to the wank mag shite channels, think about it.

No the above is not from me .. it was posted by a guy on and seems a reasonable subject for debate. Im not really a Channel 960 fanatic to be quite honest but in my brief visits (no pun intended) in the last few nights I think he may have a fair point. Don't try to imitate others unless you can do it better.Cool

RE: The Big Boobs Nightshows - oopnorth - 02-03-2009 02:56

I hate all the fake hair, tit and tan birds too but, unfortunately that seems to be where the money is. RolleyesSad

RE: The Big Boobs Nightshows - Chucknorris - 02-03-2009 03:10

I couldnt agree any more

RE: The Big Boobs Nightshows - tsurugi - 02-03-2009 04:34

they only seem to have 3 girls that do the nightshows charlie,nikki and roxy the first two are awful

RE: The Big Boobs Nightshows - phallusfungus - 02-03-2009 09:10

i have to add that charlie monaco's fake boobs look bloody awful. if i was a bird and i was given fake tits like that i'd perform plastic surgery on the surgeon who gave them to me - i'd cut off his balls Tongue

didn't look at the channel for long last night...i prefer the natural girls like kylie, roxy, amy williams and the other amy...they make the channel different from the cellcast fakery

RE: The Big Boobs Nightshows - Stewartie - 02-03-2009 12:20

I think the guy I quoted is right. Channel 960 after 11 p.m. now appears to want to be another Babecast. I now have a look at Hotel Voyeur more than any other. I think it is a better idea to have more than one girl on screen and the HV girls interact and have a sense of fun. They don't seem to be short of calls and inflated boobs doesn't appear to be a prerequisite.

RE: The Big Boobs Nightshows - HEX!T - 02-03-2009 13:10

i can see yer point, the reason i think they went down the fake boobs path is, the girls that have had them done are on the whole less shy about showing them, they got them to advance there cariers, so are more willing to get em out.
when the show first started they had girls like april doing nights and to be honest she was popular, for a time. but she found out that she couldnt hack it,. she seemed to be doing it because it was naughty. but couldnt detach herself from the calls so took any negativity to hart. if a guy wanted a little more than ohhh ahhh yeahh then she would get stroppy and then she started getting abusive calls rather than guys just wanting to wank.

then they got the sleeping pills out that were amy 2 and jessica both were very reserved although amy2 has improved over time, jessica is still the most boring, selfimportant, princess that has graced any channel to date.
these 2 girls pretty much put pay to the night show calls so they got taylor in, what happend? well taylor being a pro went balls to the wall all out, putting all the girls to shame, in 1 night she had more calls than any of the other girls had that week. so they made a choice, get more girls like taylor. the mistake they made is that there isnt many girls like her, they just thaught a pretty face and big fake tits would be enough.

so even though i aint a fan of taylors i gota admire her efforts, a professional girl doing her job the way it is ment to be done. get em on get em of get on to the next 1.

in the end its all well and good saying you think this 1 is boring or that 1 aint my cup of tea, but realy the girls are on screen only to attract callers, and to give the callers a reason to call. not for the guys who just sit and watch but never phone in.

personaly if april could keep her game at the level she braught the night she wore the white shirt and panties then id be more than happy to see her return, but if she just carrys on the way she did for the rest of her performances then id rather see her stay where she is.

900 posts wooohoo!!! lol

RE: The Big Boobs Nightshows - snoozebag - 02-03-2009 13:18

No late show again last night. Again no calls. whats new.

RE: The Big Boobs Nightshows - Stewartie - 02-03-2009 13:50

Hexit Wrote:i can see yer point, the reason i think they went down the fake boobs path is, the girls that have had them done are on the whole less shy about showing them, they got them to advance there cariers, so are more willing to get em out.
when the show first started they had girls like april doing nights and to be honest she was popular, for a time. but she found out that she couldnt hack it,. she seemed to be doing it because it was naughty. but couldnt detach herself from the calls so took any negativity to hart. if a guy wanted a little more than ohhh ahhh yeahh then she would get stroppy and then she started getting abusive calls rather than guys just wanting to wank.

then they got the sleeping pills out that were amy 2 and jessica both were very reserved although amy2 has improved over time, jessica is still the most boring, selfimportant, princess that has graced any channel to date.
these 2 girls pretty much put pay to the night show calls so they got taylor in, what happend? well taylor being a pro went balls to the wall all out, putting all the girls to shame, in 1 night she had more calls than any of the other girls had that week. so they made a choice, get more girls like taylor. the mistake they made is that there isnt many girls like her, they just thaught a pretty face and big fake tits would be enough.

so even though i aint a fan of taylors i gota admire her efforts, a professional girl doing her job the way it is ment to be done. get em on get em of get on to the next 1.

in the end its all well and good saying you think this 1 is boring or that 1 aint my cup of tea, but realy the girls are on screen only to attract callers, and to give the callers a reason to call. not for the guys who just sit and watch but never phone in.

personaly if april could keep her game at the level she braught the night she wore the white shirt and panties then id be more than happy to see her return, but if she just carrys on the way she did for the rest of her performances then id rather see her stay where she is.

Yes at the end of the day it is a business and the number of callers must be the overriding factor. Maybe Im just having a look at the wrong time though but Ive seen girls gyrating on Babecast for quite lengthy periods with no callers. Probably there are too many channels around now and I cant see hordes pf people shelling out £1.50 a minute in the present financial climate.

RE: The Big Boobs Nightshows - skateguy - 02-03-2009 14:09

Stewartie Wrote:Probably there are too many channels around now and I cant see hordes pf people shelling out £1.50 a minute in the present financial climate.

Definitely noticeable that the financial climate is biting and that some of the channels are beginning to, or are, struggling to get the calls in.