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Time to say farewell - Printable Version

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Time to say farewell - Snooks - 09-07-2012 23:22

After much consideration I have decided to terminate my membership of this forum.
This is not a decision I have taken lightly. However recent events in my life have made me realize that priorities have changed. I now need to devote more time to substantial challenges in my personal and professional life. Given this realization it has also become obvious that some things will have to be sacrificed and this forum will be one of the first things to go. I am a facing a tough time at the moment and I simply have to make time to make things better.
This will be my final post on these forums and no I will not be returning. Once I make my decisions they are final. In the next 24 hours I will sending a PM to Admin to close my membership of the forum permanently.
I will continue to watch the babeshows and even ring in but far less than I did in the last 2-3 years. I have found my enthusiasm waning for the shows in the last 12 months with some notable exceptions. There are many reasons for this some of which I blame on the channels and the restrictions they seem to be working to and some that are more a reflection on my changing priorities dictating a different outlook on the shows and other things too.

To the cappers I offer my sincerest gratitude. You are the lifeblood of this forum and your contributions are invaluable and outstanding. Thank you.
To the mods I also offer my gratitude. Without mods the forum would be a messy free for all with no controls or regulation at all. There will always be those who rightly or wrongly disapprove of how things are run on a forum such as this but mods have to do the job in the best way they see fit and I appreciate that.
To those who have agreed with me, disagreed with me, made me smile, made me laugh ( especially cwpussylover Bounce ) and even those who have seriously pissed me right off I say thank you. In your own ways you have all made me enjoy being a part of this forum for the last 2 and a bit years and I have enjoyed it immensely.

Finally to the babes themselves a massive thank you. Without them none of us would
be here and bother posting. A plethora of gorgeous honies for my delectation has
been a joy to behold Tongue.

Anyway best wishes to you all and goodbye Wink.

RE: Time to say farewell - Don Tingley - 09-07-2012 23:30

Snook dogg, it's been a pleasure sorting out your video requests mate and speaking to you privately.

All the best in life mate.

RE: Time to say farewell - dan g 27 - 09-07-2012 23:40

Well, I have to say I'm shocked at your unexpected decision to leave, but if its to benefit your personal and professional life, then I say good luck to your future plans. Its always a crushing feeling, when legends like you leave the forum. I enjoyed your contributions to this forum, especially those poems of yours bravo for that. Its going to be difficult for anyone to fill the void on this forum, when you leave. Again, I must say I'm gutted by this news, but good luck with your future plans

RE: Time to say farewell - ste-boro - 09-07-2012 23:43

I didn't know you too well but you'll be a big miss on the forum and I just want to wish you all the best for the future

RE: Time to say farewell - Gun33 - 09-07-2012 23:49

Goodbye Snookered. I always enjoyed reading your posts, especially about Priya and the Sky Sports News Ladies! Smile Good luck for the future.

RE: Time to say farewell - Scottishbloke - 09-07-2012 23:50

Well very sad to see to you leave, but you don't have to take such drastic measures such as closing your account down, my advice to you is to keep it open so that when you can still drop in from time to time.

On a personal note it's allways been a privilege discussing and debating the show's with you, infact I don't think I've ever had a run with you Smile and really that's because you are a decent forum member, a fine example of just what this forum needs. You have allways managed to keep a calm head with some very well thought out posts over the course of the past few years.

May I offer you all the very best of success in your private life and it's been an honour to have got to known you even if only in forum such as this, your departure still seems very real.

All the best for the future, hopefully one day you'll return this forum. You'll be missed very much.

RE: Time to say farewell - Clit Eastwood - 09-07-2012 23:51

Hey sikkfukk..thats my bloody name for this buddy..LOL
This has gotta be seen as a real shit day...the loss of yet another decent fellow and contributor on the've always had a few words to say on my threads...4 which I'm truely honoured geeze....I wish U all the best in your endevours in life me old potato good Snook U always are...Big Grin

RE: Time to say farewell - The Truth - 09-07-2012 23:51

Good luck in your endeavors fella,hope It's not permanent,your departure!

RE: Time to say farewell - Money_Shot - 10-07-2012 00:02

Well... I wasn't expecting that.

A forum member who gets involved across the board, always makes decent contributions and has been a pillar in the forum community since I joined.
The forum will be miss you, your name features everywhere across all the sections and your input always welcomed.

I sincerely wish you all the very best in your future endeavours Mr Snookered. If you ever choose to return then do not hesitate, and if this really is goodbye then take good care of yourself.

Stay lucky Big Grin

RE: Time to say farewell - dan g 27 - 10-07-2012 00:04

I would just like to add and echo what SB said, keep your account open, visit the forum occasionally when you find the time