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Advice required please - Kelly Bell - 11-03-2009 16:19

Please, only helpful replies if you understand the law as this is a serious thread.

This is the scenario. This was this morning approx 10:30am

Dad & I were filming with Jeremy Kyle for a show on the sex industry to be screened in the summer, Dads a photographer & works in the industry.

I pulled up outside a club in Peterborough, the bays were half hour ticket bays. The crew carried my stuff into the club, I was right outside. I had to ask the manager there to change a £20:00 note for the machine, at the same time Jeremy was telling me what/where when etc.

I estimate no more than 4 mins had passed & I went to pay the ticket when a traffic warden had already got my car. I explained & he basically said "Thats it, I was watching from behind a van up the road & I made it nearly 6 minutes, nothing I can do-appeal if you want to" I was mad as hell! He also said "You might as well leave it there now"

So I do for an hour whilst filming. However, I then phoned Peterborough City Council to be told "Did you buy a ticket?" I didn't as I was told to leave it there now anyway but was & am so mad I cant leave it. "If you had brought a ticket you could have appealed, as you didn't there's nothing further you can do except pay your fine"

So is this it? Have I lost all rights now? It's not the money-it's the way it has been done & I feel I have been stitched.

Does anyone know if I can still appeal this? & where? I just cant let this one go-Grrrr I'm mad!

I would appreciate any advice or help with this please Guys-secretly hoping there's a solicitor here.

I have a lot of witnesses that will swear it was 4 mins inc Jeremy.

Thanks in advance


RE: Advice required please - BigChuck - 11-03-2009 17:10

not a solicitor but I'm pretty clued up on car related stuff,

the facts are simple, you've admitted parking for an hour without buying a ticket, therefore you have committed an offence.

if you had bought a ticket, and returned to the car, while the ticket was being issued you could have appealed and probably got the ticket over turned.

you can probably appeal but the chances of anything going in your favor are very slim, chances are your details from the call will probably be logged. therefore you've admitted the offence.

did you leave the ticket on the car while you were shooting?

i dont want to make the matter worse but the system is there to screw you at every step, they wont back down easily even if there is genuine reasons for the ticket being overturned, its not worth the hassle most of the time, sorry.

RE: Advice required please - skully - 11-03-2009 17:11

Hi Kelly, hopefully these may help you out,

RE: Advice required please - elgar1uk - 11-03-2009 19:16

Good links skully, but I can see what Big Chuck is saying about having already admitted an offence. Can you claim bad advice from the traffic warden, would that work?

RE: Advice required please - *Kal-El* - 11-03-2009 19:37

Chuck is right, i know that you can appeal but they always seem to see it in the traffic wardens favour and the you end up having to pay a higher a fine, but having witness might help tho. As for traffic wardens i can't stand them myself, it would be a lot easier if a lot them just used simple common sense.

RE: Advice required please - firekind - 11-03-2009 19:52

traffic wardens are just scum. if everyone refused to pay when they have been shafted by them they would soon not exist.

RE: Advice required please - *Kal-El* - 11-03-2009 20:00

I would love to drive by a nice big puddle and get them nice and soaked, of course am not telling people to go out and do it hehe.

RE: Advice required please - BigChuck - 11-03-2009 20:06

my pet hate is cocky traffic cops, closely followed by traffic wardens.

RE: Advice required please - *Kal-El* - 11-03-2009 21:24

They all seem to love power.

RE: Advice required please - Hazhard - 11-03-2009 22:26

I hate traffic wardens i bet they get job satafaction lol.