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The Queen of RLC 2012 (the Queen is crowned) - Printable Version

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The Queen of RLC 2012 (the Queen is crowned) - winsaw - 01-12-2012 00:00

first off big thanks to all who have voted this year, its been a good with lots of close votes that could have gone ever way,

now its time to name this years new royalty, and with 2/3 of the vote in the final arise

Important Queen Jennifer Jade Important

also big congrats to our new princess Mikaela

i look forward to seeing how their rain goes

RE: The Queen of RLC 2012 (the Queen is crowned) - zxccxz30 - 01-12-2012 00:48

Can't say that I'm surprised, congrats!

RE: The Queen of RLC 2012 (the Queen is crowned) - dundeered - 01-12-2012 02:25

Well done Jennifer. However, think its unfair to have one single title of 'Queen of RLC', instead there should be a Queen of day shows and Queen night shows. Because with things the way they are, it means that real gems like Mikaela don't get the recognition they deserve.

RE: The Queen of RLC 2012 (the Queen is crowned) - Stillroom Rock - 01-12-2012 02:49

Congrats to Jennifer.

Mikaela would be Queen of Daytime

RE: The Queen of RLC 2012 (the Queen is crowned) - jonnyalpha - 01-12-2012 03:02

Rose's are Red, Violets are Blue, Jennifer Jade is the Queen of Red Light Central.
Well done and congrats

RE: The Queen of RLC 2012 (the Queen is crowned) - Chef 34 - 01-12-2012 08:14

Well Done Jen You Fully Deserve It,You have had a Brilliant Year on RLC,Hopefully there is More To Come as Well.

RE: The Queen of RLC 2012 (the Queen is crowned) - 4evadionne - 01-12-2012 08:27

Huge congrats Jen, you've been awesome all year babe.

RE: The Queen of RLC 2012 (the Queen is crowned) - sweetsugar007 - 01-12-2012 09:50

She started and finished the year well. She has been one of the few highlights in what has been a challenging year for these channels.

RE: The Queen of RLC 2012 (the Queen is crowned) - DaveG - 01-12-2012 19:49

Well done Jen Smile

RE: The Queen of RLC 2012 (the Queen is crowned) - Jennifer J Waters - 02-12-2012 13:30

Hey heyyyy Big GrinBig Grin

Thank you to all who voted .. Like I said in my forum...SHOCKED .. Surprised Love your support and caps and utter filth... It's nice my nips are appreciated too -they're a rare breed Bounce so harrrdddd laugh Oopsie.. That's just me I guess !! I'm waffling.. I will stop and once again.. THANKYOUUUUUUUUUU Shy

I'm back Tuesday night.. Rubber dress anyone ?! Heart

Lots of love,

Jenn xx