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Sorry and goodbye - Printable Version

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Sorry and goodbye - *Kal-El* - 19-03-2009 07:41

To make this whole matter better for everyone i will step down as mod and i will also leave the forum to make all parties happy. Am not gonna say i was right or wrong in my actions but i know am man enough to say public say that somethings i say or do that am not perfect. But i know after this i will be become hated and how would clark put it infamous. To all those in question all i can say is sorry and nothing that i can every do will every put things right. Am gonna make something public which i thought i would never do but since am being open and honest about i have treated people i can be honest about this too, i found out a few years ago that am seriouslly ill, am not gonna bore any one with the fine details as what it is, i realise that in life in what time you have left you take things for granted and treat people right with all those around you. Maybe i am being puinshed in some way for being nasty and maybe even some of you will think that i have got what deserve and maybe in a way i am. Am using this as a excuse for people to feel sorry for me as am not, just to show that i am human and do have my failings and that i am flesh and blood like everyone one else. As i said i never ment to harm any one or to bring grief and pain to any member of this forum all i can do is apologize to every single person on the forum as i know have let everyone down. Feel free to remove any reps or apply any negative reps if makes people feel any better about how i have acted or if anyone wants to have a got at me over the matter then feel free to pm me or email and man enough to hold my chin and walk away for the sake of the forum, even walking i won't be able to do very soon lol. So i hope everyone enjoys the forum and gives all the members, models and mods the respect they deserve. Take everyone its been a blast.




RE: Sorry and goodbye - Chilly - 19-03-2009 07:50

Blimey! What the hell happened? At the end of the day this is JUST a forum, surely people shouldn't take things too seriously that are said on here? I guess some folks do, oh well, I'm sorry to hear that you're leaving; I'm saddened to hear about your illness too. Good luck mate. Smile

RE: Sorry and goodbye - *Kal-El* - 19-03-2009 08:02

thank you serious or not i gotta be held for my actions whether or wrong or right in what i did and willing to pay the price for actions, since am stepping down as mod would be nice if this was passed on to someone like hexit or ass2cam as they deserve the job more then i do.

RE: Sorry and goodbye - BigChuck - 19-03-2009 08:10

what happened? i've seen a few posts on here, i'm guessing there all relating to the same thing, but no one has said what has actually happened.

RE: Sorry and goodbye - firekind - 19-03-2009 08:15

kalel76 Wrote:would be nice if this was passed on to someone like hexit or ass2cam as they deserve the job more then i do.

deserve the job? you do know that moderating nudey sites was a form of torture we used in guantanamo up until amnesty got involded saying it was inhuman. they are using thumbscrews and the pear of anguish instead now among other less disturbing methods

RE: Sorry and goodbye - bobbistuff - 19-03-2009 08:19

cant be serious ....think he's pulling our chain....

RE: Sorry and goodbye - m100 - 19-03-2009 08:57

Kalel how about just taking a couple of weeks off, get your head round things and then see if you feel that you want to come back. I'm all in favour of walking away from things but I'm not sure that the answer here. You've been here too long and whatever has happened lately is not representative of you and I'm guessing the vast majority would be sad to see you leave for good. Good luck and look after yourself.

RE: Sorry and goodbye - *Kal-El* - 19-03-2009 09:05

its cool mate, but i have to do what's right for everyone, for people i have hurt and let down. I can't and won't hurt anyone every again.

RE: Sorry and goodbye - *Kal-El* - 19-03-2009 09:19

As you can see guys no longer a mod any more, so take care guys, i hope the next mod is a lot better then i ever was.

RE: Sorry and goodbye - Kelly Bell - 19-03-2009 10:09

I think the only thing you should be sorry for is allowing the internet & namely a forum to take over your life.

After all, 4,500 posts? Jesus Kalel, hand on heart, are you able to turn off your computer for two days & just go into town, go to the cinema, Ice skating & not even think of the forum? I think not. Where are all your friends that you have here? Do they exist in the real world?

It's all make believe, you may not understand this yet but when you can switch off the computer for a couple days & not think about here you will.

Remember when I PM'd you & said you were too nice? You didn't understand what I meant. You cant be everyone's friend & the more posts you make the more chances you are also making of alienating yourself as not everyone will agree with you & you will piss people off. It's human nature & that's what's happened.

Sure step down from being a Mod, you'll only increase the likelihood of pissing people off. People are already asking where their posts are going, either they are being deleted or the forum is pruning & thats whats happened on mine from time to time as it deletes old stuff & counts go down. So therefore a Mods job is not always a happy one.

You cant leave here as it's a drug for you & you will go cold Turkey, so if you leave-you will be back cloaked or anonymous- be honest.

My advice to you is keep away from being a moderator & remain on the forum. Hey a lot of people here like you, inc me & you will be missed. But post in more a general manner & keep away from internal politics.

Besides, I'm waiting to see what colour your username goes when you hit 5000! I hope a nice Green ;-)

Chat soon Superman

Kelly xx xo