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Help! Date and Time changes. - Printable Version

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Forum clock - TheWatcher - 29-03-2009 12:00

The displayed time is still on GMT not BST.
The timestamp on all todays posts is incorrect by 1 hour.

RE: Forum clock - Shandy - 29-03-2009 12:05

its fine on mine thewatcher, have you got daylight savings on in the options?

edit - in here, at the bottom -
i don't think its on by default, but i have it on and all looks hunky dory

RE: Forum clock - aaron - 29-03-2009 12:15

There is no general display time for the forum. It's chosen by each individual user, depending on what time zone they are viewing the forum in (admittedly in our case the vast majority will be in the UK or Ireland).

RE: Forum clock - Sm© - 29-03-2009 12:17

i remember this same arguement from 6 months agoRolleyes

RE: Forum clock - TheWatcher - 29-03-2009 12:23

sm© Wrote:i remember this same arguement from 6 months agoRolleyes

Thanks, updated settings as suggested earlier in this thread. All ok now.
I was not on the forum 6 months ago. Smile

summer time - hedthorn - 02-04-2009 09:17

Hey guys anyone else notice that the time on the site is still an hour behind lol!!Big GrinBig Grin

RE: summer time - Mike - 02-04-2009 09:22

if you click on User CP at the top then edit options then under date and time options you can change time settings manually

RE: summer time - phallusfungus - 02-04-2009 17:23

mike Wrote:if you click on User CP at the top then edit options then under date and time options you can change time settings manually

To provide a bit more detail regarding the above, at the bottom of the third box titled "Date and Time Options" make sure the little box next to "Enable Daylight Savings Time correction" has a tick in it.

RE: summer time - hedthorn - 02-04-2009 18:09

yes, got it sorted, thanks for the help, thought it would have done it automatically, silly me lol

Help! Date and Time changes. - elasclock - 16-05-2009 10:49


Sorry if in wrong place, but over the last two weeks, when I open this site, it either has the date fixed at 7th May, or the previous day.(at present 15th may) though today is 16th may. Also I can't log out properly as when I enter a thread it logs me back in an hour late.

any help as I am no techno wizz.
