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How is everyone enjoying the weather? - SOCATOA - 19-07-2013 13:11

Sitting in the garden with an ice cold cider, it's that "ice cold in alex" momentSmileSmile

RE: How is everyone enjoying the weather? - skully - 19-07-2013 13:20

Meh, too many fucking seagulls here, the fact I'm not allowed to kill a few of the cunts has annoyed me...bloody protected bastards.

It's a nice day though, not as humid as yesterday which is good. Need to get some beers in...or ice pops, gotta love the ice pops Big Grin

RE: How is everyone enjoying the weather? - groundnpound - 19-07-2013 13:32

Enjoying it mate! Can't beat some nice weather, few cold drinks, some ice. Happy days.

The ladies don't wear much either in this heat, a few nice sights around!


RE: How is everyone enjoying the weather? - Joey 27 - 19-07-2013 13:36

its ok today but i have had trouble wanking in the heat

RE: How is everyone enjoying the weather? - king of the moment - 19-07-2013 14:18

when i'm off work this weather is amazing i get to go beer gardening with my mates and enjoy the hot weather

but when at work i'm doing a manual handling job in this weather in a warehouse with no air con at all it like working in a inferno

so the weather is both good and bad at the same time

RE: How is everyone enjoying the weather? - Scottishbloke - 19-07-2013 21:18

Firstly the positives - Its hot birds in hotpants galore up in my neck of the woods Tongue and the lack of clothing around really does bring a smile to your face. Also as a smoker, no problem whatsoever going outside.

Negatives - You try working in this heat, its a bastard, sweat pissing out of your body in every direction which leaves you thinking all is forgiven from a few months ago when it was just bloody freezing.

Weather is something that not even the forecasters ever get right. We've just gone from one of the longest winters ever which seemed to last for months on end, I mean this is no joke but I actually seen snow at the beginning of May.

Now it seems that this hot weather is just never going to end, it hasn't even rained for weeks, the grass outside is losing its green. Temperatures up here are normally about 17 or 18 degree's during the day at this time of the year.

A couple of days ago it was sitting at 30 degree's at half past 5 in the evening. Throughout the night it was still as high as 24 degrees at 2am in the morning.

I like the hot weather if I'm off and able to enjoy it aswell as the obvious sights but it's just too damm hot for work Cool

RE: How is everyone enjoying the weather? - cwpussylover - 19-07-2013 21:23

sweaty stinkin snatches in juicy sweaty thongsImportantHeartHeartHeartHeartHeartHeart fuckin luv it HeartImportantCool

RE: How is everyone enjoying the weather? - lancealot790 - 19-07-2013 21:28

Just can,t get enough of this wonderful weather, my job means i work outside everyday so it,s perfect for me. Plenty of drinks, girls in skimpy clothes, nice tan and an easy life. Who could ask for more?

RE: How is everyone enjoying the weather? - Boomerangutangangbang - 19-07-2013 21:32

A welcome change from having a grey overcast sky 12 months of the year so from a novelty factor I'm enjoying it.Life is good. Smile

RE: How is everyone enjoying the weather? - Charlemagne - 19-07-2013 22:05

Hot weather brings out the local hot ladies Big Grin