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Hillsborough - Kelly Bell - 15-04-2009 09:23

I would like to bring this to the forum & say how very sad this is. Although I was too young to remember the incident, I am a massive football fan & this day must not be forgotten.

You may not want to hear it here but there are a lot of people that read the forum & I think in fitting that we make it clear this will never be forgotten & justice still needs to be done. Someone somewhere must be accountable for the decision to open the gate that caused the crush.

I AM aware of this however, & I AM proud the stance was taken by Liverpudlians.

How disgusting & to see Kelvin McKenzie doing well now, the editor of the Sun at the time, has he ever apologised?

I bow my head & remember the dead & the families & ask you all do likewise. These people are me & you, British Families.

Pink today on the Pad & yep I'm on the pad today, well quite soon & if you wonder what the tiny black band is on my arm....... you now dont need to ask. I will mention it at 10:00am as I'm on.

RE: Hillsborough - Mister Gummidge - 15-04-2009 10:03

As a Manchester United fan, my sympathies are not always with Liverpool FC or its fans. On a day filled with such painful and bitter memories as this one, all partisan feelings or grudges are set aside and I offer my deepest sympathies and solidarity to those affected by the disaster, to the city of Liverpool and to the club itself.

I am old enough to remember the tragedy unfolding on televesion and my sense of shock, the feeling of horror that such a tragedy could befall so many people who had begun the day with high hopes and little more in mind than a fun aftenoon watching the club they love.

I'm also well able to remember the behaviour of The Sun "newspaper", amongst others and to this day refuse to buy a copy of The Sun or one or two other papers who took the opportunity to use such an appalling human tragedy to grind their political axes.

My thoughts are with those left behind to live with the memories of what unfolded, the city, the club and its fans. I believe that I speak for ALL football fans, regardless of club loyalties or perceived rivalries when I say that on this, of all days, it can be truly said that "You'll never walk alone".

RE: Hillsborough - thinwhiteduke - 15-04-2009 10:32

after that tribute by mr. gummidge i don't think there's a lot i can add except to say i to am old enough to remember. all true football fans everywere will never let it be forgotton .

RE: Hillsborough - rickhardo - 15-04-2009 10:32

I was a Liverpool fan at the time and remember the day vividly, I had several friends there although they were lucky enough to be in the seats above the Leppings Lane terrace. I'm another who never buys the Sun although it's made easier by it being such a shite "news"paper.
My thoughts are with everyone at the club and all the fans around the world, but in particular with the families and friends of those who simply went to watch a football match and never came home.
Kelly, you're a classy girl to bring this up, you've gone even further up in my estimation. xx

RE: Hillsborough - Dabbler - 15-04-2009 10:41

As a Liverpool fan I thank you Kelly and may they never walk alone.

RE: Hillsborough - rover - 15-04-2009 10:58

R.I.P To the 96 people who lost there lives on that tragic day.

RE: Hillsborough - mjw664 - 15-04-2009 11:04

I come from Birkenhead and you still don't buy the sun up here

RE: Hillsborough - Hollywood PillowPants - 15-04-2009 11:25

I can remember the 15th of April 1989,my dad took me to Selhurst as a birthday present and remember jumping and dancing for joy in the terraced enclosure as Palace won an exciting game 2-1,i can remember afterwards going back to the car and listening on the radio with absolute horror as the events unfurled at Hillsborough.I'll never forget the look of shock on my dads face i think he summed it up perfectly when he said " god that could have been us ",i think many football fans across the country thought that on that saturday.My thoughts and prayers go out to the families of the 96 and i truly hope they get the justice they deserve.

RE: Hillsborough - Timbo - 15-04-2009 12:24

R.I.P 96 Y.N.W.A

As a Rovers fan i always remember those who lost there lives because most of my family are from Liverpool and my dad's a Liverpool fan so even though i don't follow them i still have a fondness for them and will never forget that date and those who lost there lives. Sad

Don't buy the Sun news paper.

RE: Hillsborough - Colbert Rules - 15-04-2009 16:33

As a kid and at the time Liverpool was my team(Leeds were in Div 2 & I never saw any footage of them except for the hooligan fights) Lets get this out of the way 'Kelvin McKenzie is a smug c**t' whos face I would pay to batter. Hillsborough was a sign of the times when fans were treated as animals. How nobody from the South Yorkshire police has been made accountable for the disaster is another disgrace. Here's a few questions that have yet to be answered:
1 What, in detail, happened after 3:15pm on the day of the disaster?
2 Could more people have been saved if the response to the disaster had been better co-ordinated?
3 Who removed two CCTV video tapes from the locked control room at Hillsborough on the night of the disaster?
4 Why was nobody identified to have removed them, and what investigation was mounted?
5 Which South Yorkshire police officers worked in the unit that vetted police statements before they went to Taylor and the inquest?
6 Who gave the orders for them to do so and what was the stated intention of those orders?
7 Are the documents lodged by order of the government in the House of Lords library a complete archive of South Yorkshire police’s Hillsborough documents?
8 What was Det Supt Stanley Beechey, a former head of the West Midlands serious crime squad, doing on the Hillsborough investigation while he had been placed on “non-operational duties”?
Everytime I see Sheffield Wednesday play at home on TV, I always think about that stand where all the fans were crushed & died. Anyway on ITV3 tonight is Hillsborough, it's a powerful TV movie made in the late 90's.