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Execution looming for Bali 9 - Printable Version

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Execution looming for Bali 9 - Scottishbloke - 27-04-2015 23:11

I don't know if its just me on this forum that has been following this story but the fate of the 2 ring leaders who were arrested 10 years after being caught trying to smuggle 8.3 kg of heroine into Australia which had a street value of 4 million dollars have been given notice of their impending execution which could take place as soon as tomorrow night.

Andrew Chan and Myuran Sukumaran were the masterminds behind the operation and were given the ultimate punishment. 8 others also face the same fate tomorrow.

One of those is Filipina woman, Mary Jane Veloso, who has always maintained her innocence that she was set up and had absolutely no idea that drugs had been placed in her suitcase.

New Indonesian President Joko Widodo has gone on record as to his stance on drug trafficking and has made it perfectly clear that anybody caught deserves to face the firing squad as Indonesia is currently in a crisis with drug related deaths with addiction at an alltime high.

The only brit that is also currently awaiting execution is Lindsey Sandiford and its been hinted that she could be in line to face the next set of executions.

My personal opinion on the death penalty is always that I firmly remain opposed to it. Indonesia is sending out a firm message. Don't fuck with our law because we mean business.

Full story -

RE: Execution looming for Bali 9 - Don Tingley - 27-04-2015 23:40

I don't believe in having the death penalty as a means to deter people from committing crime because I don't believe it does, but I do believe that certain crimes deserve death and heroin smuggling is one of them. Had that heroin hit the streets then it could well have killed a number of people and those two would have got off free with a large amount of money and would they have cared?
This case is a difficult one given how long it's been, these two blokes have clearly changed and seem completely rehabilitated, killing them now seems almost cruel but it's hard to sympathise with them given what they did, or tried to do. I'm glad i'm not in the position to have to decide what happens to them. Sukumaran seems quite an intelligent and talented bloke, he's a quality artist now and would probably be of some use in society but he's done the crime etc.

RE: Execution looming for Bali 9 - SOCATOA - 28-04-2015 03:17

Not a supporter of the death penalty myself, but in some cases the crimes are so bad i believe its justified. The death and misery these drug gangs cause is out of control. Bali has taken the hard line, these criminals now know what to expect if they are caught. If other countrys had the bottle to follow Bali,s example it would certainly put the brakes on much of this horrible trade.

RE: Execution looming for Bali 9 - wackawoo - 28-04-2015 04:11

Quote:I don't believe in having the death penalty as a means to deter people from committing crime because I don't believe it does

The threat of jail and the lack of liberation deters people, I'm sure death will do. The thing is some people think they won't get caught and the money they get seems to out weight the risk of getting caught; I assume more people get away with it than are caught.

Personally, drugs cause untold misery and the people who deal in these drugs don't give a single damn about all the people who die of over doses; or the greif of their families. I would loose no more sleep over those type of people being executed than I would over a person who raped and killed a child. The problem is, some times the innocent, and there actually will be a few, can be executed and if banning capital punishment saves just one of those then a ban would be worth it.

RE: Execution looming for Bali 9 - Don Tingley - 28-04-2015 04:18

(28-04-2015 04:11 )wackawoo Wrote:  The threat of jail and the lack of liberation deters people, I'm sure death will do.

The thing is some people think they won't get caught

You've defeated your own argument, well done, you saved me doing it.

RE: Execution looming for Bali 9 - wackawoo - 28-04-2015 11:41

(28-04-2015 04:18 )♔Don♔ Wrote:  You've defeated your own argument, well done, you saved me doing it.

I think you missed my meaning and a little important word.

If there were no such thing as punishment and jail then people would pretty much do what they want when they. There are punishments and this DOES deter MOST people, however there are SOME people who THINK the 'will get away with it'. SOME people may think that the financial gain and lifestyle out ways whatever prison sentence they may get; especially in countries where prison is relatively easy going.

If you thought you could loose your life doing a certian action then I can assure you by far the majority of people would not do that. SOME, for whatever reason, whether it be desperation for money, arrogance, or simply brainwashed into it, ignore the risks. I suspect it's either drug addiction or pure desperation for money in poor contries that push people into taking the risks, some it will be greed.

So contrary to what you misconstrued my original statement does indeed hold up, to me it's a basic common knowledge thing - if we catch you doing this, you will loose your life.

RE: Execution looming for Bali 9 - HannahsPet - 28-04-2015 19:02

Breaking on CNN that 8 have been executed the woman has been repreived apparently because the recruiter has come forward in the phillipenes

RE: Execution looming for Bali 9 - Scottishbloke - 28-04-2015 20:59

Yes and many in the media have viewed the last minute reprieve of Mary Jane Veloso as nothing more than a technicality.

The message the new Indonesian President Joko Widodo has portrayed is that he puts drug trafficking as a more heinous crime than say murder and rape.

This execution disappoints me, those who faced the firing squad were not evil, they were selfish and they were greedy but 20 years or life with no possibility of parole to me would have been a far more appropriate punishment rather than this senseless murder.

What disgusted me most about all this was the vile photos of Andrew Chan and Myuran Sukumaran boarding the plane on route to the execution island.

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