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Scottishbloke Bids You All A Fond Farewell - Printable Version

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Scottishbloke Bids You All A Fond Farewell - Scottishbloke - 19-07-2015 18:54

Please know that the decision I've had to take is truly heart wrenching but sadly I can no longer continue to post on this forum and I wish to close my account down.

I wish to take this opportunity to thank those members who have got to know me through the years as its been great interacting with you all in the 5 and a bit years since I first signed up to this forum.

Unfortunately I view my position to post here anymore on this forum unattainable and its time to move on for me. Like any person I'm not without my flaws whether that be in the real world or on this forum. If I've upset or pissed anybody off down the years then I offer you my sincere apologies.

I hope in time that members will remember me for all the positive contributions that I have made down the years as its been a pleasure serving you all but this is final and my mind is made up.

As the title suggests I bid you all a fond farewell as I sign off for the very last time.


RE: Scottishbloke Bids You All A Fond Farewell - AprilFools - 19-07-2015 19:01

Ta Ra

Enjoy life post forum, appreciate the uploads you did.

Cheers Dude

RE: Scottishbloke Bids You All A Fond Farewell - Snooks - 19-07-2015 20:04

I bid you farewell SB.
Thank you for all the caps, vids and banter.
It's been fun Wink.
I can imagine that the state of the nightshow product being what it is may have worn you down and I can most definitely identify with that.
You have certainly not minced your words in your contributions and have expressed opinion with conviction and from the heart.
There have been times when I have disagreed with you and in such moments have deliberately put a different slant and perspective on things rather than openly start an argument.
To your credit I have found that you responded to this in a decent spirit but in your own straight to the point manner.
I appreciate that the style of your posting may not have been to everyone's liking Wink.
But at every turn I appreciated your frustration, annoyance, joy, happiness, humour and brutal honesty was from the heart even if at times I did often think to myself 'Ouch' Wink and 'Yikes' eek Wink.
You wanted the product to be the best it could possibly be as I and no doubt everyone else here has and will continue to do.
Thank you for your contributions down the years and for the banter. All the best for your future.

RE: Scottishbloke Bids You All A Fond Farewell - Rammyrascal - 19-07-2015 20:49

good luck with everything sb. will miss our regular ding dongs on here

RE: Scottishbloke Bids You All A Fond Farewell - Tractor boy - 19-07-2015 20:54

Sorry to see you go SB

Thanks for all the caps and video's you have posted down the years, they really have been appreciated. I have always enjoyed reading your comments, I haven't agreed with all of them but you have always put your point across with honesty and good humour

Best of luck for the future.

RE: Scottishbloke Bids You All A Fond Farewell - Regenerated - 19-07-2015 21:25

Sorry to see you go SB.

For the record I do hope that one day you'll return - some of the discussions you've been involved in have been perhaps a little controversial - but what forum doesn't have a bit of controversy now and then? Either way it's been lively, and your caps and videos are much appreciated.

I hope you do come back - perhaps just take some time out - I do when it gets heavy on here, but I hope you do come back one day. All the best for the future in either event.

RE: Scottishbloke Bids You All A Fond Farewell - Rogergilford54 - 19-07-2015 21:33

Scottishbloke, sorry to see that you are leaving you will be missed, all the best for the future whatever you do hope you will return one day.

RE: Scottishbloke Bids You All A Fond Farewell - Whynot - 19-07-2015 21:57

Always the wrong people who leave!!! Until the only people left are the ones who have fuck all decent to say.

RE: Scottishbloke Bids You All A Fond Farewell - Lamarr l 21 l - 19-07-2015 22:14

I will miss you Scottishbloke... you are in my opinion one of the best posters on this forum. I wish you every success in the future, your a top lad.

RE: Scottishbloke Bids You All A Fond Farewell - gunnar - 19-07-2015 22:42

It's been good getting to know you on the forum mate. Good luck in whatever the post forum life brings your way.