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Does BabeShow 'Fandom' Breed a General Freeloader Mentality? - Printable Version

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Does BabeShow 'Fandom' Breed a General Freeloader Mentality? - ShandyHand - 11-01-2016 22:05

Today, whilst I was adding a note to the Xpanded thread about a possible reason behind their cap and vids ban, I had a related general thought that I decided I'd gather opinions on here.

I got to wondering if the sort of babeshow fandom that we represent, with the likes of this forum, actually propagates what the operators might term a freeloader mentality in its customers by its community interactions.

Is the freeloader fan on the rise in our midst? And, if so, what does the forum contribute to that rise? Are we representative enough of the general babeshow customer to actually matter to the channels? Do you think that they and the girls should be concerned by the opinions expressed on these pages? Is there any significant reason that they should be?!

The criticism, sarcasm, expanded knowledge of the industry's tactics, as well as the abundance of related 'free' material (legitimate and otherwise) placed on this forum could be said to actually threaten the babeshows' very survival. Is that a valid argument? The platform this and the other forum provide for the individual to air their grievances against the shows may well be good for the individual but is it ultimately good for the future of the shows that we are so passionate about? Are we merely enhancing hard-line customer attitudes towards the shows and thereby hastening their end? Or will such hard-liners merely always be a particularly vocal minority that has little impact on the shows' future successes or failures in any cae?

Specifically I'm asking, if the various 'fan sites' didn't exist would your spending on the shows be more or less than it currently is do you think? Has your interactions with other fans actually influenced your opinions on the shows and therefore your spending on them? Is the negativity often found on this forum speeding the channels' decline by spreading the word more quickly than would otherwise be the case? Can you now get all the 'babe-fix' that you need on here without paying the operators a dime? Or does the future of the shows actually depend more on 'uneducated' casual fans than it ever did on us lot anyway?!

Finally, as a result of any of this: Are the channels/babes right to be somewhat suspicious of what fandom offers the industry? Yes, it supports the shows by offering up certain benefits to them that otherwise wouldn't be as easily accessible, but does it provide a 'good service' to them on balance do you think? Or have the channels simply 'made their own bed' such that any lapsed customers would have made up their own minds against them in any case?

Put most broadly I suppose I'm asking if the industry be simply better off without any significant organised fandom?! Xpanded seem to think so. Maybe they have a point?

A ton of questions on a big theme I know, and I for one have very few answers but, in particular, I really don't have a clue if what we say on here should bother the channels one iota or not! (I'm intrigued by that question perhaps most of all.) Some babes do seem concerned by it, others not at all... I'd like to hear what other posters think on this broad subject.

RE: Does BabeShow 'Fandom' Breed a General Freeloader Mentality? - broncobilly10 - 11-01-2016 22:23

Some of the girls and shows care most probably don't. There is a large disconnect between the output they give us and how we feel about it.

Freeloaders are needed just like the who buy the over priced pics and clips

RE: Does BabeShow 'Fandom' Breed a General Freeloader Mentality? - KerrAvon - 11-01-2016 22:58

Just simply might be the channels themselves, through increased tame shows, increased prices for that privilege, increased scamming & increased disrespect from babes/channels, that have turned actual & potential punters back into "freeloader" status.

The forum was around when the going was good with channels & babes using it to promote themselves. Is it the scapegoat now?

RE: Does BabeShow 'Fandom' Breed a General Freeloader Mentality? - ShandyHand - 11-01-2016 23:22

^ No I'm most definitely not trying to make the forum a scapegoat for all of the channel's ills. I was just trying to express the idea that a big body of opinions expressed forcibly can provoke reactions that perhaps wouldn't have arisen under other circumstances.

I was trying to analyse the xpanded mindset and get inside the thinking of those on the other side of the fence really. There seems to be a certain dissatisfaction with a certain type of fan from some in the industry. I was trying to play devil's advocate and see if they had any valid points.

That's why the thread was phrased as so many questions as I didn't want to push certain 'answers' or indeed have all the correct ones to their thinking. I wondered if others did.

RE: Does BabeShow 'Fandom' Breed a General Freeloader Mentality? - MM32DD - 11-01-2016 23:45

What makes you think there is a certain dissatisfaction with a certain type of fan in the industry? I'm not having a go, just interested to hear more on this.

RE: Does BabeShow 'Fandom' Breed a General Freeloader Mentality? - ShandyHand - 12-01-2016 00:08

^ Any fan that doesn't spend enough seemingly in some babes eyes.

In recent years, when challenged about their attitudes or performances, several babes have used the term freeloader as a disparaging term for fans that just watch the channels without calling or presumably otherwise contributing to their wages.

RE: Does BabeShow 'Fandom' Breed a General Freeloader Mentality? - broncobilly10 - 12-01-2016 00:21

If the shows were better more people would call because it would be value for money. At the moment it is not.

RE: Does BabeShow 'Fandom' Breed a General Freeloader Mentality? - Bandwagon - 12-01-2016 00:54

First off, in my opinion, the term 'freeloader' should never be used by any channel employee. It's a derogatory term labelled on potential customers and is bred from greed.
The problem they have is that half of their service is visual, which just so happens to be their advertisement too.
But what I believe they fail to realise is that some people are happy to make do with visuals only, these people will never pay to talk to the girls regardless. Perhaps the weighty prices help contribute to this?
So to me you have three groups of people, those who will never call, those who might call, and those who will.
So perhaps they need to concentrate on the latter groups of people by providing the best visual advertisement possible. Stop worrying about their losses on the inevitable non-callers, of which they will never escape.

RE: Does BabeShow 'Fandom' Breed a General Freeloader Mentality? - Doddle - 12-01-2016 16:42


There's something massively bizarre that the one channel operating the "no caps, no videos, no nothing" policy is also the one with the worst effort in set designs, and as for their staffing policies in the last 6 months... Sad

RE: Does BabeShow 'Fandom' Breed a General Freeloader Mentality? - HEX!T - 13-01-2016 00:05

the "dont be coy" comment says a lot...

the xpanded rep lost there shit with some of the forum members so decided to punish every 1.
i guess they hoped that part of the forum would die off.