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IM BACK BOYS LOL - Printable Version

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IM BACK BOYS LOL - ARENDALL - 22-10-2008 23:54

hey all yous soz ive not been on 4 a while been mad busy with my website that has now gone up at

all the recent content will be uploaded each day as cant get it all on at once.. but thats good means theres always new things to wank over hahaha Wink oh yeah and i cant remenber the password 4 my last account on here so had 2 do another 1... shame!!

i hope your all well tho and i will be on babestation on thursday and party girls on sat if u wana ask me anything... until then much love all and remember if there is anything you would like me 2 do 4 u on my site just let me kno... im filming all weekend.


RE: IM BACK BOYS LOL - Hester - 22-10-2008 23:58

hey Amanda

As an idea, you could issue a free lifetime pass to your site to me, in exchange for this I would become your 'Content Advisor' - giving helpful ideas and tips for what to include on the site. Obviously this would require me to be at the shoots in person....

Big Grin

RE: IM BACK BOYS LOL - jade-victoria - 23-10-2008 00:00

well hello there sexy lady!!!!!!! So im not the only one who cant sleep on night offs lol xx


I just can't sleep nights Amandas on TV Tongue

Glad to have ya back on board Smile

RE: IM BACK BOYS LOL - carlos - 23-10-2008 00:05

It must be hard being as hot as these pair and actually going to sleep!!!

Babestation - Make them work 7 days a week!! i'm willing to take on sleep deprivation for the sake of mankind!! lol

RE: IM BACK BOYS LOL - rover - 23-10-2008 00:05

Dont you girls ever get any sleep maybe I should read you a bedtime story and tuck you in Smile Smile

RE: IM BACK BOYS LOL - Hester - 23-10-2008 00:05

jade-victoria Wrote:well hello there sexy lady!!!!!!! So im not the only one who cant sleep on night offs lol xx

erm... if you two can't sleep on your nights off, maybe you fancy popping round to mine for some, er, um,

RE: IM BACK BOYS LOL - *Kal-El* - 23-10-2008 00:27


RE: IM BACK BOYS LOL - ARENDALL - 23-10-2008 02:53

kalel76 Wrote:lol

oi jade look what uve bluddy started now hahaha although it sounds kindof fun having all u boys willing to read us stories and cook us coffee heehee.. i defo cant sleep actually sitting with sum tea and biscuits rite now.. mite upload 1 of my pics from my site and gives use a lil teaser... jade uve seen it all before lol.. u best be in 2moz huni not seen u 4 a while....kisses xxx


So we have a board full of busty insomniacs?

Wow, is that a great title for a porno or what? lol

I can't sleep either Sad, listening to buddy holly, playing fifa, eating cookies, nothing seems to work Sad

Let's try the reverse of something...Hey Amanda, wanna come tuck me in? Tongue hehe