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Finisher Moves & Submissions - Bank$ - 20-08-2016 00:11

A thread discussing peoples favourite finishing moves, submissions or even your multiple move sets from a specific wrestler in the business.

I will start off with an exciting choice of kota ibushi out of new japan and well known recently for his bouts in the cruiserweight classic series thats ongoing, very acrobatic and young talent but not to be fooled as he also has some of the hardest hitting kicks in the business.

RE: Finisher Moves & Submissions - rpj316 - 20-08-2016 01:56

Goldberg's Jackhammer finish was always impressive to behold,in this instance against The Giant/Big Show it was truly awe inspiring.In my opinion,this is the greatest power move of all time.

RE: Finisher Moves & Submissions - Bank$ - 20-08-2016 10:40

^That was such an historic win and that move was devastating.

I also liked the spear, not performed from goldberg but from edge.

You see it done from many these days but theres only a select few that can really execute the move properly.

RE: Finisher Moves & Submissions - rpj316 - 20-08-2016 10:43

I don't think anyone did the spear spot as good as Edge and GoldbergSmile

RE: Finisher Moves & Submissions - Bank$ - 20-08-2016 10:59

Roman? laugh all kidding aside yeah, the standout favourite of mine was that spear from the ladder delivered to jeff insane!

RE: Finisher Moves & Submissions - rpj316 - 20-08-2016 11:01

Big Laugh
Yeah Edge was able to do it in many more creative spots as he was a superior talent to Goldberg.When it came to brutality and hitting the hardest,Goldberg made it look awesome.

RE: Finisher Moves & Submissions - Bank$ - 20-08-2016 11:08

That spot on, for what goldberg did in his limited signature moves he did with believability and the crowds bought into his persona.

RE: Finisher Moves & Submissions - rpj316 - 20-08-2016 11:11

That's right.I remember this nasty one!

RE: Finisher Moves & Submissions - Bank$ - 20-08-2016 11:20

I hadnt seen that one before, one brutal spear! be fascinated to see if he still has it (should he return).

RE: Finisher Moves & Submissions - rpj316 - 20-08-2016 11:27

I know he keeps himself fit cardio wise,he's just about 50lbs lighter.