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Politics - The Non-Brexit Thread. - Jack the Nipper - 13-08-2018 01:00

With Brexit seemingly sucking the life out of UK politics I just wanted make a thread dedicated to any UK political stories & debate that doesn't involve Brexit.Good Luck.

RE: Politics - The Non-Brexit Thread. - GMach1 - 13-08-2018 19:43

The Government are planning to put money into taking rough sleeping off the streets by 2027. I hope for their sake they do, by providing funding to help charities and people to get off the streets because homelessness knows no bounds, it is not discriminate against age, sex or religion. It can affect ANYONE from the high-powered executive to the housewife or single parent and can happen at any time, causing the once affluent to become redundant and end up on the street through necessity. Get that right and you will get rid of it, if not and make even more cuts to councils and charities and you will increase it. I remain VERY sceptical about this, but it is a step in the right direction. Let's see what happens in the next few years.

RE: Politics - The Non-Brexit Thread. - Jack the Nipper - 16-08-2018 01:44

^The £100 million the government are offering is nothing more than a rain-drop in a thunderstorm regarding the whole issue of homelessness which is a multi-faceted issue. About half a mile from where I live is woodlands where I take my dog for a walk (let him have a run about tbh) & I did notice 4-5 tents pitched up in the woods & when I asked a few people I know who live nearby they told me that that they are young Polish lads who can be seen standing by the nearby roadside early in the morning looking to get picked up for work.And being someone who works on building sites in & around London areas like Covent Garden,Victoria station (the subways) & Hyde Park (near Marble Arch) around 7am are chock full of people in sleeping bags or in tents so the homelessness issue particularly in & around London is a big & growing problem.

Seeing a few homeless people being interviewed on tv they will often say that the hostels themselves available aren't safe & that sleeping on the streets is a safer option.Remember a few years ago when a group of celebrities were sleeping on the streets as part of a BBC documentary.There is also the vicious circle that certain homeless people are drug & or alcohol dependent & certain hostels won't let them in because of it.There can also a mental health issue with certain homeless people & I think I heard a statistic that 1 in 10 homeless person is ex military.

On certain political issues I'm either right wing on certain topics & left wing on others but surely it's about time a goverment inserts some sort of rent cap on properties as well as offering some sort tenancy protection for trouble-free tenants.I do believe that honest genuine landlords do need greater protection against the scumbag tenants who expect to live rent free without impunity or have no intention on paying rent.Landlords who are caught with tenants living in unsafe properties or over occupied properties should have the threat of their landlord license removed as well as their property.Council tenants who are caught sub-letting their properties should be struck off the council housing list indefinitely.

As I say the whole homeless issue is a multi-faceted problem with not one single answer.

RE: Politics - The Non-Brexit Thread. - Jack the Nipper - 20-08-2018 19:20

And so the Government have taken over the running of Birmingham prison from sos (shower of shit) company G4S who frankly on previous history aren't fit to run a tap let alone a prison.Inmates were literally running the prison that was severely under-staffed with wardens & according to reports the wardens who were intimidated to the extent they wouldn't venture outside their offices at times with conditions in the prison said to be squalor like.

According to various interviews on the news from former staff & prisoners the rot in the prison set in when it was privatised 5 years ago with G4S took over on a 15 year contract.

RE: Politics - The Non-Brexit Thread. - SOCATOA - 29-08-2018 11:12

Theresa May's dancing attempt amongst "ordinary people" in South Africa must be the most cringeworthy moment so far this year. Our glorious "strong and stable" leader looked like someone from a recovery ward SadSadSad

RE: Politics - The Non-Brexit Thread. - SecretAgent - 26-09-2018 07:42

On Sunday the Labour Party NEC agreed a motion for the party conference supporting the creation of an additional Deputy Leader position which would have to be held by a woman. Reports at the time suggested it was being seen as a way to weaken Tom Watson as well as ensure female representation at the top of the party. The first problem they had was that Tom Watson surprised them by supporting the move and then yesterday the motion was withdrawn. Seems JC and his motley crew thought it could lead to a chaleenge to his position if candidates campaigned on a platform to support a new Brexit referendum etc.

Interesting that whilst JC repeatedly drones on about being a democratic party he’s frightened of allowing free debate and a democratic election.

On another point he seems to be keen to ask the public if he should press the nuclear button. Imagine the scene ... The MOD advise that Russia has launched a nuclear attack and should we respond. JC says lets have a phone vote (as he’s being led away to his safe nuclear bunker). All TV and radio stations immediately broadcast phone vote details. Dutifully the public phone in (whilst hiding under their beds). The voting service begins with the following recording “ your vote may not count if we have been obliterated but you may still be charged”

RE: Politics - The Non-Brexit Thread. - HannahsPet - 26-09-2018 07:49

Corbyn is a puppet its all seamus milne a oxford posh boy who is a champagne Commie Tongue Tongue Tongue Tongue

RE: Politics - The Non-Brexit Thread. - Charlemagne - 26-09-2018 07:57

Jeremy always reminds me of the High Sparrow with his band of Zealots.
(with their, 'let's call a national strike if May doesn't call an general election')
But he doesn't have a curvy High Septon, all he's got is Dianne Abbott bladewave

RE: Politics - The Non-Brexit Thread. - SecretAgent - 26-09-2018 11:15

^ I've just seen the clip on TV of the female MP calling for a General Strike to bring down the government (she was supported by the Shadow Business Secretary at the meeting). So they want to use their Union buddies to bring down an elected government.Their true colours are on display as it's another anti democratic rant.

RE: Politics - The Non-Brexit Thread. - Cheesy Grin - 26-09-2018 11:19

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