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Films you admit to crying at! - Printable Version

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Films you admit to crying at! - GMach1 - 17-11-2018 18:34

We've all heard the expression that men don't cry at films but I believe that is rubbish. I will admit to openly blubbing at just two films (although I had a massive lump in my throat when watching 'Bridge to Terrabithia' which gave such a kick to your stomach you wonder how this remained a kids' film-it is truly a shock midway through)

Anyway the only films I've cried at were 'Going My Way' starring Bing Crosby when he brings his kindly old priests' mother in to the church-absolutely Niagara Falls! The second was 'Schindler's List' which I now cannot bring myself to watch and even the haunting John Williams violin theme upsets me. For obvious reasons this film filled me up(being a Jewish it made for difficult watching but the end scene really got me)

So WHO is going to admit that they cry at films then-come on be the FIRST to admit it. Smile

RE: Films you admit to crying at! - The Goatman - 17-11-2018 19:08

Ive never cried during a film funnily enough the only time i got slightly choked up during a film was when storm got killed by a sentinal in x-men days of future past laugh

RE: Films you admit to crying at! - Tractor boy - 17-11-2018 19:30

I don't remember crying but I always feel sentimental when I watch the final scene from planes, trains and automobiles.

RE: Films you admit to crying at! - lovebabes56 - 17-11-2018 19:54

does blubbing at Disney cartoons count? I cried when watching 'Bambi'? and his mother is hunted & shot I was about 6-7 at the time, but I don't that I've been that much emotional over a movie since

RE: Films you admit to crying at! - Tumble_Drier - 17-11-2018 20:24

Star Wars Episode 1 - The Phantom Menace.

I burst into tears at the very thought of it. Because it's shit.

RE: Films you admit to crying at! - rpj316 - 17-11-2018 20:45

The Champ(1979)

The scene where John Voight dies after the fight had me in tears when I first watched it.

RE: Films you admit to crying at! - Unscarreduk - 17-11-2018 20:48

Forrest Gump when he meets his son. Blush

RE: Films you admit to crying at! - lancealot790 - 17-11-2018 21:22

The NeverEnding Story

For a film aimed at children it,s pretty emotional, the scene in the swamp of despair always brings a tear to my eye.

RE: Films you admit to crying at! - GMach1 - 17-11-2018 21:38

Okay well sentimental can count and come on everyone has blubbed at Bambi at some point in their lives. Some Disney films have a lot of pathos that sometimes goes over the heads of kids but they're no fools. Some good films mentioned there, nice one.

RE: Films you admit to crying at! - The Goatman - 17-11-2018 21:43

You know ive never watched bambi before
Seen pretty much all the disneys but not bambi