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Refunds from S66 - Printable Version

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Refunds from S66 - Goodfella3041 - 02-12-2019 20:34

Has anyone tried to get a justifiable refund from s66?

I decided a while ago that for all the money I've blown on these shows over the years, I've now got zero tolerance for their thieving crap -- e.g. girls muting phones after you've connected; girls completely ignoring callers and chitchatting with producers while your credits drain away; etc. The latest has been connecting with a girl working from home, only to be put through to her voicemail!

So whenever that kind of thing happens now, I just immediately email and ask for a refund.

But the last couple of times I've done this with s66, I've gotten into an interminable back-and-forth with them about "needing more information" in order to "track down this call", etc.. And it's nonsense, because they have my username and the time of my call down to the minute. I can actually see it in the "call history" page of my own profile. But we still have to go through this bullshit ritual -- "are you sure about the time?", "what number did you call?", "what number did you call from?", etc. And all of the questions are drip-fed one-at-a-time just to prolong the dance.

I had a recent exchange that was three emails in before I was asked to lodge a complaint via the website. So I did that, but got no response. So I went back to the customer service email and all the questioning -- "to track down this call" -- started again. It's not the Lost Ark of the Covenant -- it's a ****ing phone call and it's in your computer and you know how to find it!

Has anyone else had this experience? Is it all just part of this channel's moral and ethical vacuum -- i.e. is it simply attempt to drag out the process and wear me down in the hope that I'll lose patience and let it slide?

Just wondering what other people's experience is with getting refunds from these charlatans.

RE: Refunds from S66 - mrmann - 02-12-2019 20:39

^ Honestly, would you expect anything else?

This is a babe channel we're talking about here.

The last thing I'd ever expect from a babe channel is their compliance when it comes to refunds lol. That's like trying to ask Jordan Belfort for your money back, in 1989 Bounce

I agree that it's shady though.

RE: Refunds from S66 - lovebabes56 - 02-12-2019 20:45

It's the same with any business, you have to go through so much bullshit to get anything positive from them, just hope you don't give up too easily on them you have to keep fighting. If it was to lead to legal action it would be better to go down that route with a group of other members possibly who are in the same position as that way you would probably have more chance of success in the small claims court.

I beasts me why the have to keep repeating the same information request over and over when it is there in black and white on your history, and I get the feeling that they are using these tactics to put you off pursuing you quest for refunds. Just keep calm and collected and just state firmly that all the information they need is in the call history and you don't see why they can't pull up the history to sort it out without any problems.


RE: Refunds from S66 - Cookie123 - 03-12-2019 01:36

I only had good experience with the customer support (both S66 and BS).

I bet there are too many people trying to scam the customer service on both sites (s66 & BS) and try to get back their money, and that's why the refund process can be a pain.

Just imagine being on the other side and have to handle all the refund requests. In the end those sites are companies trying to make money and not lose too much as well. So you have to differ between scams and legit requests.

As I said above, I've been lucky with all my requests so far.

RE: Refunds from S66 - woolleysheep - 03-12-2019 02:02

I've only asked Studio 66 for a refund on a couple of occasions, but both times it was pretty straightforward and I got the refund without any problem.

RE: Refunds from S66 - Goodfella3041 - 09-12-2019 20:11

My adventures in Studio66 refundery continue and I’ve really never experienced anything like it.

They have this annoying habit of combining different complaints into a single email chain. Even though I am requesting refunds for three separate transactions and start every request with a fresh email, the response always comes tacked onto a completely irrelevant email chain from long ago about a disconnected issue.

I send a complaint to the customer support address and after a couple of unnecessary back-and-forths, they send me a link to an online form — which only begs the question, why don’t they just make the form available on the website or at least send it as a matter of course in response to any complaint instead of going through the bullshit ritual of asking for a bunch of information before asking you for the SAME information on a separate form?

Nevertheless, I complete the online form and get no response. So I chase via the customer support email, and I get a response to an OLD email about the new issue. Amazingly, they offer to refund the credits from ONE of the three transactions. But because they are mixing and matching different complaints in different email chains, now I can’t tell if they have ignored the other two, refused them, or simply haven’t gotten to them yet.

It’s crazy!

I can’t tell anymore if it is incompetence or genius. It’s either a trained monkey on the other end of this correspondence or a quantum physicist with easy access to extra dimensions.

To whom should I escalate this complaint? Is this a PhonepayPlus issue?

(Don’t say small claims court because, let’s be serious, who could be bothered?)

RE: Refunds from S66 - Goodfella3041 - 11-12-2019 19:53

Well, fair's fair... I should conclude this thread by saying that S66 has finally refunded all the lost credits and threw in an extra 50 for my trouble.

I still don't get why they have to make what should be a very simple process so tortuous, but I guess I should relay that they came through in the end.