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The Psychology of the Spend - Printable Version

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The Psychology of the Spend - ShandyHand - 06-01-2021 19:35

There are certain universalities to what we're all doing when we decide whether to spend on the shows; what we question, even to some extent the strength we place on each answer. Some of this self-questioning is obvious; some at first glance more imponderable. But ask them we do, time and again, even if instinctively or fleetingly, before clicking to drain our credits. And the answers we come up with, mostly based on what we see, not only inform how often we give to each babe but also, in the final analysis, whether we judge the purchase as having lived up to what we thought it would be. Thus these things have profound consequence on how much we come back to both babe and shows for more of the same (how inclined we are to top up again or top up often). They encapsulate the most powerful essential motivating factors at work.

The bulk of this post looks to propose a layman's putative hierarchy to these thought processes. My aim's to highlight some occassionally neglected or overlooked aspects in an overview; to try to drill to the commonalities involved. As well as to express the overarching coverage some of us look for in these deceptively simple shopping trips... Tongue I find it an intriguing but not often dwelt on subject that is deserving of more space here.

The Basics (elements that can all be entirely predispositional)
Prerequisites: Assume punter finds the babe in question basically physically attractive. Also that they have the time and opportunity to interact; and the libdo required (if relevant to the sort of interaction they're seeking).

Thus, punter poised for interaction, we can start our analysis proper with...
Quote:0. Has the babe done anything previously, to the punter's knowledge, that would put off his spend temporarily, longterm or even permanently?
I put this at a level 0 because, uniquely, it can include matters outside of the shows and has the potential, if serious enough to the punter in question, to curtail his spending on (or indeed interest in) the babe permanently.

Quote:1. Can I afford this?
Anything from a profound consideration to a cursory thought this, depending on the punter's level of disposable income at the time, but this deserves its place at #1 I feel because it can halt all other ideas of spending.

Quote:2. Do I have a decent basic expectation of getting what I want?
The central big one; basically, has the babe given the punter the experience to think positively here? Answer can be based on personal experience or believable 'word of mouth' from other punters. This the area where the babe's personality becomes most impactful too of course. Essentially it conflates to The Trust Zone. Do we trust the babe to be basically fulfilling to our desires?

'In the Moment' Considerations (those most often taking place directly in front of the babe's stream).
Quote:3. Is the relevant tech functioning as I wish?
An obvious potential blocker. Can stop us looking any further

And then a final three, that cover matters of...
Enticement and Performance
Quote:4. Right now... Is the babe presenting herself, fta and in paywall [if applicable to punter's experience], in a way that inclines me to think this particular spend will be good value, and/or to my specific taste?
Use of payment platforms, set, 'gimmick' deployment and all the ancillary things of babeland on the day come more into play here.
There's a 4b also - dependent on circumstances:
Is the environment created by the babe's other punters conducive to my having a good time?
Chat behaviours' (and those of callers who might be being 'listened in' to) can be a troublesome factor here. This includes other's tipping behaviours.

Quote:5. Is the babe doing an overall show (or run of shows) that enhances her reputation in my eyes?
Here we reach matters of consistency. Iow, is the babe showing herself to be particularly and consistently 'on form'? More exciting than the standard throughout? (For instance is she engaging her chatters/crowd in a positive manner via audio or type. A current vanguard for standing out from the roster.) To guys that get to this point in the decision heirachy the overall show matters, not just 'their' moment with the babe. The punter may also be considering if he can aid in enhancing the show with his contributions.

Quote:6. Is the babe presenting everything consistently in a manner that makes me feel good about being a fan of the channels?
In essence, is the babe's overall presentation lubricating to the punter's desire to spend more generally and frequently across the board. Spenders WANT to do so (all other things being equal) or we wouldn't be fronting up to the channels. So the babe's ultimate aim could be said to be to nurturing to the punter's sense of self-regard in this area.

After reading so much punter commentary over my 12 plus years around the shows, these half dozen broad definitions feel like the general commonality to me. This post doesn't begin to touch the full range of factors involved in its huge subject but I hope it encapsulates the basic categorisations for these factors and proves a helpful foundation for discussion if nothing more. Others' more worthy input is thus gladly welcome. Wink

RE: The Psychology of the Spend - Snooks - 14-01-2021 22:46

Level 0 question: Has the babe done anything previously, to the punter's knowledge, that would put off his spend temporarily, longterm or even permanently?

Answer: In some instances yes by virtue of:
(1.) Refused perfectly reasonable call requests with either no explanation, no good reason or poor reason
(2.) Been unnecessarily rude to callers either me or other folk
(3.) Set a big tip goal before being obviously and wholly responsible for not obliging it
(4.) Banning people from the chat box for pointing out statements of fact that cast doubt on the integrity of babe words or actions or both.

Level 1 question: Can I afford this?

Answer: Personally speaking very rarely if money required there and then.
Oh the blessing and curse of quarterly phone bills followed by extensions on time limits to pay them off Rolleyes.
The thrill of the nudity and visual stimulus trumping financial sense.
Life a bit easier now after a work promotion but demons of the past never leave me.

Level 2 question: Do I have a decent basic expectation of getting what I want?

Answer: This used to be a simple question to answer before all the gimmickery and ruthless money grabbing culture became the dominant force.
It used to be a case of ringing up a nightshow babe in the certain belief of generating a high level of visual stimulation on the television.
But as more and more gimmicks such as pervcam on web and call mode variations came in the game changed. The concept of freeloadery became a thing (in the mind of babes at least). Call outcomes became less certain and an increasing source of frustration. Babes became arsey, indignant, stubborn, irrational and at times downright rude towards their callers. I know that from experience of listening into calls while awaiting connection and on occasion personal experience also (without my provocation I might add).
Then tip goal based webshows and onlyfans muddied the waters even more which intensified the anti freeloader sentiment as well as the anti forum sentiment.
The culture of the channels became about screwing and scrounging every last pound out of as many gullable suckers as possible. It drip fed into the mentality of babes too.
The babe priorities and mentality changed in a profound way and in many cases not for the better. 2020 saw some of that tempered by a select bunch of babes who approached various forms of work in a more balanced, considered and customer orientated fashion. But too many babes have not yet grasped that fine balancing act.

Level 3 question: Is the relevant tech functioning as I wish?

Answer: bladewave Often went down at the key moment bladewave.
I.e at the exact second something interesting was about to happen bladewave.
The tech often seems remarkably effective in drawing peoples money and blocking people from chat boxes for pointing out home truths.
It is less reliable in giving the punters what they pay for and serving the requirements of the show Rolleyes. How convenient bladewave.

Level 4 question: Right now... Is the babe presenting herself, fta and in paywall in a way that inclines me to think this particular spend will be good value, and/or to my specific taste?

Answer: Easier for Xpanded babes to do this on telly and on a bed eek. Never thought I would see myself typing that. Alas this is the stage we have now reached if old fashioned nightshow values such as mine are to matter as much. I am having to settle for quality of outfit and enticing body language but at least with higher likelihood of relative customer satisfaction.
Payment based platforms are a different ball game. It is a case of being selective in terms of the babes interacted with. It becomes obvious who the unscrupulous rip off merchants are through experience and time. The fakery, scam and outright greed eventually gets acknowledged by all but the most ardent of sycophants.
The babes who cannot be trusted on delivery of a tip goal are no doubt an equal source of let down on things like custom videos on their own sites.
The babes who make a stint genuinely horny, stimulating and fun are oozing happiness, naturalness and eagerness to please. Their chat box interaction is well judged and fair.
They know how to use the tip goal show to best efffect and set about it in the correct spirit.

Level 5 question: Is the babe doing an overall show (or run of shows) that enhances her reputation in my eyes?

Answer: Boils down to character of interaction on the mic, the phone and chatbox as well as on screen demeanour. The way the babe interacts on social media platforms is often a good guide as to how they will be on TV or web screens.
If they get the interaction judgement right it usually follows that the quality of show will follow that lead in my experience.
Babes that are intelligent enough and savvy enough to WANT to give a little to the viewer and paying punter can see the bigger picture and the fruits of their labour.
Those brave enough and worldly wise enough souls who join this place and talk with us here rather than lament us as the freeloaderous moaning mini enemy do their standing and reputation considerable good.
Cough cough splutter splutter....Atlanta Moreno Heart.

Question level 6: Is the babe presenting everything consistently in a manner that makes me feel good about being a fan of the channels?

Answer: All about attitude. Desire to please. Ability to be civil, personable and kind.
Ability to adapt to every type of caller and interactor in the most constructive, positive and human way. At the root of it all an appreciation that the viewer of now us the punter of the future and that the punter of now is to be cherished and staunchly protected in a sensible way. Nowhere near enough babes doing well enough in this regard.

And the winner is........Atlanta Moreno.
The babe that can do no wrong HeartBig Grin.

RE: The Psychology of the Spend - Nadam - 16-01-2021 06:34

(06-01-2021 19:35 )ShandyHand Wrote:  There are certain universalities to what we're all doing when we decide whether to spend on the shows; what we question, even to some extent the strength we place on each answer. Some of this self-questioning is obvious; some at first glance more imponderable. But ask them we do, time and again, even if instinctively or fleetingly, before clicking to drain our credits. And the answers we come up with, mostly based on what we see, not only inform how often we give to each babe but also, in the final analysis, whether we judge the purchase as having lived up to what we thought it would be. Thus these things have profound consequence on how much we come back to both babe and shows for more of the same (how inclined we are to top up again or top up often). They encapsulate the most powerful essential motivating factors at work.

The bulk of this post looks to propose a layman's putative hierarchy to these thought processes. My aim's to highlight some occassionally neglected or overlooked aspects in an overview; to try to drill to the commonalities involved. As well as to express the overarching coverage some of us look for in these deceptively simple shopping trips... Tongue I find it an intriguing but not often dwelt on subject that is deserving of more space here.

The Basics (elements that can all be entirely predispositional)
Prerequisites: Assume punter finds the babe in question basically physically attractive. Also that they have the time and opportunity to interact; and the libdo required (if relevant to the sort of interaction they're seeking).

Thus, punter poised for interaction, we can start our analysis proper with...
Quote:0. Has the babe done anything previously, to the punter's knowledge, that would put off his spend temporarily, longterm or even permanently?
I put this at a level 0 because, uniquely, it can include matters outside of the shows and has the potential, if serious enough to the punter in question, to curtail his spending on (or indeed interest in) the babe permanently.

Quote:1. Can I afford this?
Anything from a profound consideration to a cursory thought this, depending on the punter's level of disposable income at the time, but this deserves its place at #1 I feel because it can halt all other ideas of spending.

Quote:2. Do I have a decent basic expectation of getting what I want?
The central big one; basically, has the babe given the punter the experience to think positively here? Answer can be based on personal experience or believable 'word of mouth' from other punters. This the area where the babe's personality becomes most impactful too of course. Essentially it conflates to The Trust Zone. Do we trust the babe to be basically fulfilling to our desires?

'In the Moment' Considerations (those most often taking place directly in front of the babe's stream).
Quote:3. Is the relevant tech functioning as I wish?
An obvious potential blocker. Can stop us looking any further

And then a final three, that cover matters of...
Enticement and Performance
Quote:4. Right now... Is the babe presenting herself, fta and in paywall [if applicable to punter's experience], in a way that inclines me to think this particular spend will be good value, and/or to my specific taste?
Use of payment platforms, set, 'gimmick' deployment and all the ancillary things of babeland on the day come more into play here.
There's a 4b also - dependent on circumstances:
Is the environment created by the babe's other punters conducive to my having a good time?
Chat behaviours' (and those of callers who might be being 'listened in' to) can be a troublesome factor here. This includes other's tipping behaviours.

Quote:5. Is the babe doing an overall show (or run of shows) that enhances her reputation in my eyes?
Here we reach matters of consistency. Iow, is the babe showing herself to be particularly and consistently 'on form'? More exciting than the standard throughout? (For instance is she engaging her chatters/crowd in a positive manner via audio or type. A current vanguard for standing out from the roster.) To guys that get to this point in the decision heirachy the overall show matters, not just 'their' moment with the babe. The punter may also be considering if he can aid in enhancing the show with his contributions.

Quote:6. Is the babe presenting everything consistently in a manner that makes me feel good about being a fan of the channels?
In essence, is the babe's overall presentation lubricating to the punter's desire to spend more generally and frequently across the board. Spenders WANT to do so (all other things being equal) or we wouldn't be fronting up to the channels. So the babe's ultimate aim could be said to be to nurturing to the punter's sense of self-regard in this area.

After reading so much punter commentary over my 12 plus years around the shows, these half dozen broad definitions feel like the general commonality to me. This post doesn't begin to touch the full range of factors involved in its huge subject but I hope it encapsulates the basic categorisations for these factors and proves a helpful foundation for discussion if nothing more. Others' more worthy input is thus gladly welcome. Wink

Bloody Hell Garth Crooks! Why use ten words when ten thousand would do?

RE: The Psychology of the Spend - The tiny giant - 18-01-2021 02:05

Just read all things that have been posted about babes and babe channels. there's winners and losers wherever u look I think the more u watch the channels u might become wiser in how these channels work. I heard a quote awhile ago that could be use in the same content of watching these channels the quote was (drinking is a young person game). in this I mean when we use to go to the pub or working men's clubs the older generation would only have a few alcohol drinks while the younger ones would puts drinks away for fun. same goes with the older generation of watching babe shows the newbies younger generation come in chucking credits at the babes which the babes love cos without it if it's home cam they don't get paid. They only get half in what they make so the pyramid of babe channel looks like this. Foundation is made up from the fans if we are there then they don't survive. Middle is the babes themselves they might be interested in you while u plough money into each show buy gifts but when it's starts to slow down they will find the next person. Top tier is the people who own run these channels they don't care about u or the babes in which most are self employed all they care about is in how much money is coming into the channel. If the phone doesn't ring or the girls aren't getting people into cams then they have a short carter in the industry. The older generation like myself have seen and done this same thing as we watch the new younger ones. A few years down the line these same people will be looking at bank statement and be thinking I could of brought this that or other with that money. We aren't freeloaders we just worked out in how to keep our credits better with helping out our favourite babes
From Dazzler

RE: The Psychology of the Spend - ShandyHand - 18-01-2021 20:59

Thanks to Snooks and Dazzler for putting more than a little meat on the rather dry framework that started this thread. Smile

Snooks' post is his typical loving but also eagle eyed enquiry. So many evocative lines of thought for both babe and punter alike, we almost trip over their abundance. Dazzler's is a needed reminder that we change as well as the shows. The rose tinted glasses of youth do indeed fall from the eyes over time. We do gain knowledge and greater experience as we go. And some of us - maybe not Nadam Wink - gain maturity and wisdom with age. Hopefully, it's our expectations that are sharpened, our desires refined, and we purchase with greater discernment as a result. Those that try to rubbish greater understanding of it all be damned. Your crass spending is likely one of things that devalues everyone else's purchasing power.

RE: The Psychology of the Spend - Nadam - 22-01-2021 22:32

(18-01-2021 20:59 )ShandyHand Wrote:  Thanks to Snooks and Dazzler for putting more than a little meat on the rather dry framework that started this thread. Smile

Snooks' post is his typical loving but also eagle eyed enquiry. So many evocative lines of thought for both babe and punter alike, we almost trip over their abundance. Dazzler's is a needed reminder that we change as well as the shows. The rose tinted glasses of youth do indeed fall from the eyes over time. We do gain knowledge and greater experience as we go. And some of us - maybe not Nadam Wink - gain maturity and wisdom with age. Hopefully, it's our expectations that are sharpened, our desires refined, and we purchase with greater discernment as a result. Those that try to rubbish greater understanding of it all be damned. Your crass spending is likely one of things that devalues everyone else's purchasing power.

Think you're overcomplicating it mate. Most blokes, usually just in from the pub, stick the telly on, flick through the channels, see a naked babe and start feeling a bit horny. If they're single or their other half isn't around they'll phone the babe up, get their cock out and have a wank. End of.

RE: The Psychology of the Spend - ShandyHand - 23-01-2021 09:16

It's a view point for sure; one that's been expressed before. And I'm sure a widely held one. But it doesn't really tally with what I've seen, heard and read of punters and punting. The endless critiques of the very pages of this forum tell a different story for instance. I maintain it's a pov that's held by those that simply refuse to break down what's going on with them as they make their selections over who to get off to. 

There are obvious specific flaws with the more traditional notions of your description too. One, the pubs are shut at the mo and yet the channels are clearly still making money. Punter drunkeness is not the factor it once was I'd suggest. This is not 2010 anymore, where all that drives business is the daringness of nightime visuals. Two, it's been acknowledged that the majority of the channels' money has been made away from TV for a good couple of years now at least. The idea of lazy half stupered wanks in front of a laptop or phone rather than TV... yeah I'm sure it happens, a lot still, but if you look to the chatboxes you'll see lots of hardcore spenders who appear pretty intense in how they make their choices to me. These are not piss it up the wall merchants.

I'm sure certain babes would like the idea there's little discernment in how we make our choices. That it's all rash impulse; made by hopeless addicts who are consistent prey to simple manipulations. Looking at it like that removes their responsibility for poor services. Everything can be easily won back with the next move under such a scenario. But it's not my reality.

RE: The Psychology of the Spend - Nadam - 23-01-2021 10:39

(23-01-2021 09:16 )ShandyHand Wrote:  It's a view point for sure; one that's been expressed before. And I'm sure a widely held one. But it doesn't really tally with what I've seen, heard and read of punters and punting. The endless critiques of the very pages of this forum tell a different story for instance. I maintain it's a pov that's held by those that simply refuse to break down what's going on with them as they make their selections over who to get off to. 

There are obvious specific flaws with the more traditional notions of your description too. One, the pubs are shut at the mo and yet the channels are clearly still making money. Punter drunkeness is not the factor it once was I'd suggest. This is not 2010 anymore, where all that drives business is the daringness of nightime visuals. Two, it's been acknowledged that the majority of the channels' money has been made away from TV for a good couple of years now at least. The idea of lazy half stupered wanks in front of a laptop or phone rather than TV... yeah I'm sure it happens, a lot still, but if you look to the chatboxes you'll see lots of hardcore spenders who appear pretty intense in how they make their choices to me. These are not piss it up the wall merchants.

I'm sure certain babes would like the idea there's little discernment in how we make our choices. That it's all rash impulse; made by hopeless addicts who are consistent prey to simple manipulations. Looking at it like that removes their responsibility for poor services. Everything can be easily won back with the next move under such a scenario. But it's not my reality.

As expected you have seized on the word pub. That is a potentially lethal mistake in which you are disposing of not only the bathwater, but also the baby. Alcohol is still freely available and home consumption has gone through the roof. People are still having house parties or weddings with a guest list of 300 at which all manner of opiates or stimulants are available.

Lockdown means that more and more people are spending more and more time alone at home feeling bored, lonely and frustrated. Throw alcohol and other drugs into the mix and you have the perfect conditions for the babe channels to exploit these sorry individuals.

Humans have been masturbating since the days of Adam and Eve. Some watch porn, others buy scud mags and some phone the channels.

At the end of the day, it's all just a load of wank.

RE: The Psychology of the Spend - ShandyHand - 23-01-2021 12:07

I seized on nothing. I was merely pointing out there are loads of areas of spending on the shows that have sweet f.a. to do with outside 'stimulants' of any kind. Indeed a lot of spending seems to have little even to do with horniness as such, being more about guys looking for attention and expressions of supposed affection from hot women.

There is a selection process in the simplest of decisions is my only real contention. Some or all of the questions in my o.p. seem to be the considerations involved in that process.

RE: The Psychology of the Spend - Nadam - 23-01-2021 14:04

(23-01-2021 12:07 )ShandyHand Wrote:  I seized on nothing. I was merely pointing out there are loads of areas of spending on the shows that have sweet f.a. to do with outside 'stimulants' of any kind. Indeed a lot of spending seems to have little even to do with horniness as such, being more about guys looking for attention and expressions of supposed affection from hot women.

There is a selection process in the simplest of decisions is my only real contention. Some or all of the questions in my o.p. seem to be the considerations involved in that process.

Not sure what your agenda is but it is very dangerous. Men and women have been playing with themselves since the year dot. Your proposals are one step away from a Logan's Run type of scenario.