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Empress of Xpanded 2021 - Printable Version

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Empress of Xpanded 2021 - Charlemagne - 17-12-2021 11:09

I'm running this competition until someone wants to take it on.

I'm mostly keeping the format the same as last year with one change.

Pick between 1 and 5 babes and the babe with the most points wins
Your first chose gets 5 points, 2nd chose gets 4 points etc

Anyone who has appeared on Xpanded night show in 2021 is eligible for a vote.

In a event of a tie a play off would decide the winner.

Voting eligablity - must be a forum member before 17th December 2021

Voting closes at 9pm on Thursday 23rd December 2021.

RE: Empress of Xpanded 2021 - tigeralf - 17-12-2021 12:15

1 Ashton Rae
2 Maria Smith

RE: Empress of Xpanded 2021 - Carl-Gen X - 17-12-2021 12:15

Honey Scott
Michelle Moist
Ashton Rae

RE: Empress of Xpanded 2021 - HoneyRocks - 17-12-2021 12:18

Heart Honey Heart Scott Heart

RE: Empress of Xpanded 2021 - Joannis - 17-12-2021 12:57

Honey Scott
Michelle Moist
Maria Smith
Alotta Fagina
Naughty Lola

RE: Empress of Xpanded 2021 - Norman Beige - 17-12-2021 13:29

Tough one this Big Grin


RE: Empress of Xpanded 2021 - Rammyrascal - 17-12-2021 13:54

Honey Scott
Michelle Moist
Ashton Rae
Hazel Bond

RE: Empress of Xpanded 2021 - Harry_da_Monk - 17-12-2021 14:05

It can only be Maria Smith for me. ?

RE: Empress of Xpanded 2021 - WelshMichael - 17-12-2021 14:25

Kendall Kay

RE: Empress of Xpanded 2021 - Wardjackson - 17-12-2021 14:36

Honey Scott
Hazel Bond
Vicki Peach
Maria Smith
Kendall Kay