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The Current State of Your Spending - Printable Version

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The Current State of Your Spending - ShandyHand - 02-11-2022 12:25

There are also five categories for non-spenders on this one...

Which of the following best characterises your current spending on the channels?

RE: The Current State of Your Spending - ryuken - 03-11-2022 08:23

Not only has the amount of money I spend drastically reduced, the amount of time I spend watching the channels has declined too.

I used to regularly check the channels because I didn't want to miss seeing someone new or something exciting.

But now the content is so expensively repetitive and formulaic.

RE: The Current State of Your Spending - ShandyHand - 03-11-2022 08:58

^ This 100%. Killing the efficacy of fta is killing guys' desire to consume. The shows survived 20 years because they made themselves an easily consumed habit for those they intoxicated - on the broadest scale they could manage. But now the 'ads', that did that job so well previously, have been unwisely hollowed out, castrated of their potency, and are no longer fit for purpose because the industry thinks their real important business end lies elsewhere. They are wrong.

If 66 proved one thing it's that a closed shop website and no studio were both hasteners for the end. In truth, these live stream services move from trying for the most general mainstream appeal possible at their peril. If anyone has the idea a bunch of niche simps is all they need I point them to 66 and its ill-conceived, misjudged, and mismanaged last 3 years.

RE: The Current State of Your Spending - lovebabes56 - 03-11-2022 09:03

^I agree

RE: The Current State of Your Spending - Snooks - 04-11-2022 03:45

My spending fluctuates.
However it does so amongst a vastly reduced number of babes.
This is not really a reflection on dwindling channel numbers as for example I have barely watched let alone interacted with S66 during the last few years even before it's studio output ceased to be.

The shift in focus to a more blatant transactional and process driven product has meant that the one commodity I have valued above all others over time has become almost the sole consideration when deciding who to spend my money on or with and under what circumstances. Honesty of endeavour.
In short who do I trust in all conditions?
Who do I trust in certain conditions but not all?

Gut instinct and vast experience of the ever evolving product generally mean my decision making proves to be on point with my requirements.

Most babes are capable of putting on a good show but not all give the impression their motivations are honest and truly punter focussed. Not all are as consistent as they should be. Sometimes this can be because they or their channel create too many preconditions to allow certain outcomes to manifest themselves.
Sometimes it is just pure obstinacy.

The increasingly process driven style of show has a huge bearing obviously but it is sad how it seems to have poisoned the mentality of rather too many babes into money grabbing mercenary mode.

The ones who most succeed in getting me to spend and interact with them do so across platforms.
For example I buy custom videos from them as well as interact with them on nightshow output. Babes are being essentially rewarded for honesty of endeavour and quality of performance and interaction.

You would think more babes would learn from this modus operandi but alas alas.
Their inspiration lays elsewhere.

Snooks lives and breathes his nightshow interaction through trust and honesty of endeavour. It informs my decision makingCool, my phone bill bladewave and my overall spend Shy.

You want me to name a hero don't you?
Ok ok.
Beth Bennett Heart.

The very embodiment of honesty of endeavour and integrity in my experience.