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UK Babe Channels Forum Awards 2010 - Presenting The Winners!

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Post: #1
UK Babe Channels Forum Awards 2010 - Presenting The Winners!
[Image: ukbcfa600.gif]

Sponsored by Babestation & Babestation Xtreme

.. [Image: bslogo.png] . . . . . . . [Image: bsxtremelogoblack200.gif]


Congratulations to all 14 winners of the forum awards
(two of the 12 awards resulted in ties).

To view the full sequence of announcements along with details of prizes won and video announcements of the winners from Babestation Babes, visit the UKBC Awards Ceremony Thread.

Forum Legend


[Image: 1forumlegend.gif]

Sponsored by Babestation Xtreme

[Image: bsxtremelogoblack200.gif]
Best Thread of the Year

My Awesome Collection of Recorded Calls (sm©)

[Image: 2bestthread.gif]

Sponsored by Babestation Xtreme

[Image: bsxtremelogoblack200.gif]
Best Avatar

rover (Smoking Dog)

[Image: 3bestavatar.gif]

Sponsored by Babestation Xtreme

[Image: bsxtremelogoblack200.gif]
Wittiest Poster


[Image: 4wittiestposter.gif]

Sponsored by Babestation Xtreme

[Image: bsxtremelogoblack200.gif]
Best Babe Vido Site Poster

Forum Style

[Image: 6babevideoposter.gif]

Sponsored by Babestation

[Image: bslogogrey.png]
Most Devoted Fanboy


[Image: 7fanboy.gif]

Sponsored by Babestation

[Image: bslogogrey.png]
Best Cap/Vid Makers
(Result Tied)


[Image: 5abestvidmaker.gif]


[Image: 5bbestvidmaker.gif]

Sponsored by Babestation Xtreme

[Image: bsxtremelogoblack200.gif]
Forum Bad Boys
(Result Tied)


[Image: 9abadboy.gif]


[Image: 9bbadboy.gif]
Best Pic Poster


[Image: 8bestpicposter.gif]
Forum Perv


[Image: 10forumperv.gif]
Best Day Show

The Pad

[Image: 11bestdayshow.gif]
Best Night Show

Elite TV

[Image: 12bestnightshow.gif]

16-12-2010 00:10
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Master Poster

Posts: 686
Joined: Nov 2010
Reputation: 31
Post: #2
RE: UKBC Forum Awards - Presenting The Winners!
[Image: ukbcfa600.gif]

Sponsored by Babestation & Babestation Xtreme

.. [Image: bslogo.png] . . . . . . . [Image: bsxtremelogoblack200.gif]


And so that completes this year's Forum Awards.

A number of thanks are, in no particular order...

Thank you to all forum members who contributed with ideas and suggestion to the forum awards

Despite an awards panel eventually not being necessary, thank you to those forum members that originally agreed to assist by being part of said panel

Thanks to Alexxxi for his assistance with creating and improving various graphical elements for the awards project

Thank you to Babestation Xtreme and Babestation for sponsoring the awards and providing prizes

Thank you to Admin for working on and securing sponsorship & prizes

In total, 73 forum members took part in the nominations process, so a big thank you to all of those members. Also, A total of 144 members voted in the Forum Awards - again a big thank you to everyone who participated.

Also, thank you to all the nominees, and commiserations to those that didn't come away as winners. In addition to the prizes for the winners, Babestation and Babestation Xtreme have kindly agreed to award a runners up prize to all those members who made the final three in the seven sponsored award categories. All those runners up in the categories sponsored by Babestation Xtreme will receive a one week free membership to the Babestation website. And those who were runners up in the Babestation sponsored award categories will receive one nights free viewing of Babestation Xtreme.

And finally, last but not least, there's one more person who should be thanked - Charlemagne who created, launched and brought the UKBC Forum Awards to life. Thank you.

[Image: lillyroma.jpg]

16-12-2010 00:15
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