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Thank You!!!

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celeste Offline
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Post: #1
Thank You!!!
I just wanted to say thank u for all the support I have gotten from this forum as well as people calling in!! I also want to say as much as my intent was to entertain all of u and do well for my channel as whole, I must say I can not blame anyone else for any consequences that I may endure!!! I accept responsiblity for some things that may be considered over the line!! I did not mean any harm, and some extreme things are accidental and well I hope censorship realizes this and does not punish the channel! I also must say that this is not in anyway a admission of guilt of all accusations being made of me. I can just say maybe I am a little over the top Smile LOL!!! Again 956 has not fired me as my decision is based on that I feel I may be doing the channel more harm than good!! I do very much genuinely enjoy doing all the shows!! U guys are all wonderful to talk to, I really mean that. U guys and all the callers and viewers are the only reason I am there ( it is certainly not for the pay or scenery LOl) I enjoy dedicating myself to the channel for U!!! No matter what may come of this situation ( and I am staying very positive), I will stay in touch and hope that u all do as well!! i will very shortly have a website up and I will continue doing the imlive and 3g!!! Thank u thank u thank u!! I hope u all had a happy Hump day!Wink I am scheduled to be back on friday noon to 8 pm, sat midnight to 530 am, and sun noon-8 pm .. I hope u guys will still tune in, I will still try to make it fun as possible so I would love it if any of u have any ideas on making the show more enjoyable and a good source of entertainment that I can afford and am allowed to doWink Let me know!!! Have a great Day!!! I am not trying to make this message sound corny either just want u guys to know how I feel and that I do appreciate all of u!!!
I will also add some new naughty pics to the forum soon!!!!


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(This post was last modified: 26-02-2009 16:15 by celeste.)
26-02-2009 01:57
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Gamehead Offline
Would you kindly?

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Post: #2
RE: Thank You!!!
Zip to another channel, there's loads of opportunity for honeys!

They'll have you!

Take care x x x

aut viam inveniam aut faciam
26-02-2009 02:02
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tsurugi Offline

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Post: #3
RE: Thank You!!!
be bit of a long trip
26-02-2009 02:09
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G@Z! Offline

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Post: #4
RE: Thank You!!!
thank you celeste and good luck in the future Shy
26-02-2009 16:26
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Hazhard Away

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Post: #5
RE: Thank You!!!
thanks celeste Smile
26-02-2009 17:28
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enraws Offline
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Post: #6
RE: Thank You!!!
Good luck Celeste
26-02-2009 23:27
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rickhardo Offline

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Post: #7
RE: Thank You!!!
Thanks for some brilliant telly Celeste, hope to be entertained again sometime soon. xx

I don't know where you magic pixies came from, but I like your pixie drink!
27-02-2009 11:54
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Mike Offline

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Post: #8
RE: Thank You!!!
celeste is back on now, yes
27-02-2009 12:19
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DalekSupreme Offline
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Post: #9
RE: Thank You!!!
Good luck Celeste.

You have always been one of my favourite babes. Don't let anyone get you down - you did a great job. I was never down when you were on, if you get my meaning!

Hope we see you somewhere else very soon.
27-02-2009 20:08
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Heavenlybabespecialfriend Offline
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Post: #10
RE: Thank You!!!
Hi Celeste Tongue

Heavenly Babe special friend, Flo & Preeti & Priya Young fan !
19-03-2009 02:39
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