If you're reading this then one of three things apply to you. You're an old hand wondering what the hell an FAQ has gone up for, or you're new to the forum and getting the lie of the land before you post and lastly you're a guest wondering whether to sign up. To the former, it had to be done really and to the median and latter, welcome enjoy your stay and pay attention to the rules and guidelines posted below...
1.) Q:- I see a lot of copyrighted material here, as well as links to other sites where copyrighted material is hosted. Can I post anything I like on here?
A:- In a word, no. Several copyright notices have been posted, notably
here and
here. Guidance is provided for posting of channel specific material in the relevant forums, please refer to those
before posting your material, as having to remove it after you've gone to the trouble of uploading it will be disheartening; it's also a pain in the backside for the forum team

Other material is dealt with on an ad hoc basis if and when copyright claims come in.
If you are an owner of copyrighted material available on this site, please refer to our copyright claims information here.
2.) Q:- What sort of thing can I post about on this website?
A:- That's up to you really. This website has a reputation for allowing its members a lot of leeway as regards subject matter and topics discussed, however please bear the following points in mind...
Post your subject in the relevant section! If you post your topic in the wrong area it will be moved to the correct one. Also the first few replies will likely be sarcastic reminders of where it should have gone in the first place. You'll have brought that on yourself
Do not cross post your thread or anything you've written therein! If you do this your posts will be deleted and you will earn yourself the ire of the other members of the site. Spamming is not approved of or tolerated.
Flooding and Deadheading are not looked upon kindly! Threads generally die for a reason. The subject may have run it's course or in the case of the longer threads, everything that needs to be said may already have been covered. If you wish to resurrect an old thread, make sure you have something relevant to add to the topic, or else new content to add. Pushing a long dead thread to the top of the list in order to say "Nice one", "I agree", "lol" and the like could well end with your reply being removed as spam. This isn't an agricultural forum, so no post farming!
Title your thread appropriately! Incorrectly titled threads have caused the members of this site many an irritation. For example, are you are looking for nude, hardcore pics of a particular presenter? Then try titleing your thread "Does anyone have any nude H/C pics of Gorgeous McLovely from channel so-&-so?", ask nicely; maybe offer to swap for something you
do have. Entitleing your thread "Gorgeous McLovely pussy pics" then writing "ne1 got em" as your post will do little more than irritate people. Trust me on this!
Think before you hit the post reply button! Read back what you've just written... If someone said that to you in the pub, would you feel like smacking them one? If the answer is yes, then ask yourself "Why do I feel the need to say that?", then refrain from saying it in the first place.
f.) Certain words are filtered from the website, this was done for a reason. Please don't spell them differently or add a symbol instead of a letter etc. If you write the word c**t and it comes up muffin, this was the filter in action. Accept it, deal with it and move on. Also racially or sexually abusive terminology or content will not be tolerated
under any circumstances. Please bear this in mind...
and finally...
Do not post material that is illegal to own or look at! It has never happened before and is unlikely to happen in the future but you never know. We all know the kind of material in question, keep it away from this place.
3.) Q:- Someone has posted a reply to something I said which I find offensive, what do I do?
A:- The first option should be to ignore that reply and move on. There are a large number of people who are members here, you can't expect to get along with all of them. If the person in question gives a similar reply to something else you've written then use the report button (which is at the bottom of every post) and notify the forum team. There is a warning system in place for members who behave badly as well as the threat of being banned, however in the overwhelming majority of cases a quiet word from one of the forum team will suffice. Just because you haven't seen anything done publicly, this does not mean nothing has been done. Do not engage the person who offended you in a flaming match, this is counterproductive and will only result in you getting a warning and potentially banned, as well as the person who offended you in the first place.
4.) Q:- I have some pictures that I want to share, how do I do it?
A:- You have two options, you can attach the picture to your reply by using the new reply button, rather than quick reply. Secondly, you can use an imagehost such as Imagebam, Imagevenue etc. A guide on uploading images can be found
5.) Q:- I have a video that I wish to share, how do I do that then, mr know-it-all?
A:- It's mr gummidge, actually! You do it by following this guide
[Guide now out of date - please visit the Tech Zone to view existing information or to ask for advice].
Both of the above tutorials were provided by Limprwrist, click on his name highlighted in blue there and rep him. These tutorials take ages to write...
6.) Q:- What's rep and how do I do it?
A:- Don't you ever stop with the questions? Sheesh! Rep is short for reputation and it's based on whether people regard a member as a positive or negative influence on the forum. Click the little number beside reputation, it'll take you to a screen where you can read what others think. Click the Rate this user button at the top of the screen and choose a positive or negative rating and add your comment. Is that all?
7.) No. Q:- Do the girls from the channels ever post here? If they do, can I get involved in sex chat with them?
A:- I'm wishing I hadn't started this now.
-sighs wearily and shakes head in resignation- Some of the girls do and some of them don't, as for sex chat... I wouldnt' know, as I've never asked; but the smart money is on no. They spend all of their working time talking dirty to people like us, they probably don't want to do it in their free time as well. I wouldn't recommend asking them as refusal may offend. Is
that all?
8.) Erm,... Yes, for now. I might ask you something else later if you don't mind?
A:- Mind? Not at all! I'm here to help. If you think of anythng that I didn't address in the FAQ, then feel free to contact one of the
forum team. Click on one of the names highlighted in green and send a PM with your question, if we can't give you an immediate answer, then we'll be able to find out on your behalf.
Finally a reminder to all members both new and old that we have a thank you button underneath every post. If a thread is dropping down the rankings and is no longer on the first page of an individual forum listing, please use this rather than posting a reply to say thank you for anything you liked or downloaded. Cheers