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Poll: Was the Death Penalty far too harsh a sentence
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Yes 60.71% 17 60.71%
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Death Penalty Verdict For Lindsay Sandiford

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Scottishbloke Away

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Post: #21
RE: Death Penalty Verdict For Lindsay Sandiford
(09-03-2015 05:59 )HannahsPet Wrote:  yeah this new indonesia President is a cunt already executed forigners for drugs offences but let of indonesiaians apparently. theres 2 aussies about to be executed

Yes well unless David Cameron intervenes she's not got no chance, at the very least his government should be sending through the necessary funds in order that she is able to file an appeal. If not then he's got blood on his hands, and before anybody even starts to think or even say that throwaway cliche line why should we the honest tax paying man on the street have to foot the bill this think about all the unnecessary spending the government has already wasted. Helping Lindsay Sandiford is mere penny's in comparison.

Yeah I heard that the new Indonesian president is hell bent on executing all these drug smugglers as he made no secret of it if he won the election. I have just found an interesting article where he is interviewed prior to the execution of the 2 Aussies.
(This post was last modified: 09-03-2015 07:23 by Scottishbloke.)
09-03-2015 07:21
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lovebabes56 Offline
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Post: #22
RE: Death Penalty Verdict For Lindsay Sandiford
I wonder if Indonesia will not be on may people's holiday list now.. I doubt If Cameron is likely to stump up cash for an appeal for Lindsay either...But if he appealed directly to the King himself on her behalf that would probably be a big step...

But in all fairness, it is right that if you smuggle drugs into a country where the consequences are far more severe compared to our own, then you have to accept your fate...

09-03-2015 07:27
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Bandwagon Away
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Post: #23
RE: Death Penalty Verdict For Lindsay Sandiford
The penalty is harsh and far too severe in my book, but these people do like to play Russian Roulette with their lives in order to make some fairly easy cash of a nice size.
They only seem to cry once caught, and it's easy to see why some folks think they're only reaping what they've sown and don't particularly invest in much sympathy for them.
On the other side of the coin SB in relation to us pushing for a lesser penalty, if people want to come over here into our country and take the piss in various activities, wouldn't you like to think it would be us that dealt with them? It would make a bit of a joke of matters if foreigners could simply fuck off abroad, commit whatever crimes they wish and expect their own country to spring into action and bail them out?
Anyway I'm fucking waffling, so my opinion is that the death penalty is too harsh, but if you want to play with fire and take your chances then you might just get burnt.

Get a job, pay your taxes and stop trying to cut corners in life and with a little luck you'll be just fine.
(This post was last modified: 09-03-2015 08:28 by Bandwagon.)
09-03-2015 07:53
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Scottishbloke Away

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Post: #24
RE: Death Penalty Verdict For Lindsay Sandiford
That's a good point which you bring up there Bandwagon about how everybody should respect the laws of different countries, in the UK Lindsey Sandiford would be looking at a probably 8 year sentence for which she'd probably be out in 5. We as a nation are very soft when it comes to law and order in general. However I'd still rather have our system in place than the barbaric regimes which exist outside of Europe.

If she had been given a sentence of 100 years I'd still think it would be rather harsh but it wouldn't bother me in the least. She deserves to be locked up for the crime for which she has committed but the sentence has to be appropriate. Drug smuggling isn't an evil crime, it's a greedy crime, a get rich quick crime, if she'd got away with it then no doubt at all she'd be living the life of luxury right now.

Rather off topic this but I remember having a slip of the tongue incident myself back in 1999 when boarding the bus from our overnight hotel in Tokyo which we'd stayed on a trip back from New Zealand for the connecting flight back to London when the bus was stopped at random from local police officers.

I was one of those who was given a random spot check, I remember my bag being searched aswell as a pat down and then once given the all clear I was rather stupid to be making light of the situation as when I took my seat again I said in a loud voice, thank fuck they never found that stash of cocaine on me. The seat directly in front of me had 2 air hosts from Japan Airlines.

Thankfully they knew I was only joking but it was a close shave as I remember everybody's jaws's dropped to the ground. Thankfully that moment passed without incident because of that comment I could so easily have been subject to a set up. That was the first and last time I ever cracked a joke like that. I'm not even too sure what the penalty would have been in Japan if I had been subject to a plant and I'm glad I never had to find out.

Back to the topic in discussion, incidentally speaking 2 of the Bali 9 are due to be executed very soon despite pleas from the Australian Prime Minister which is more than David Cameron has done but despite all this the Indonesian President is refusing to budge and has stated that he will make no exceptions for anybody. He isn't fucking around and he means business.
(This post was last modified: 09-03-2015 22:58 by Scottishbloke.)
09-03-2015 21:12
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MeTarzan Offline
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Post: #25
RE: Death Penalty Verdict For Lindsay Sandiford
Try telling that to the families of its victims.

(09-03-2015 21:12 )Scottishbloke Wrote:  ...Drug smuggling isn't an evil crime...

Just because I don't care doesn't mean I don't understand.
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10-03-2015 08:40
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Scottishbloke Away

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Post: #26
RE: Death Penalty Verdict For Lindsay Sandiford
I've always considered that theory to be a myth MeTarzan. If people are going to do drugs then it's already hardwired into their brains. Instead of Indonesia going down the route of brutal justice to drug smugglers perhaps the efforts should instead be concentrated into educating the citizens of the dangers of narcotics.

It's obvious for all to see that this effort has been neglected, if the country itself has an increasing society problem with drug users then it's a society problem and should be tackled at route level such as focussing on educating the young and naive to be able to say no, no thanks I don't need drugs to have a good time.

Taking Lindsey Sandiford or any other drug mules out in the middle of the night and then firing a bullet into their heart does not achieve anything other than a cold blooded homicide. It's the wrong message to be sending out, also her case is flawed especially when the prosecution was only looking for a maximum sentence of 15 years. Incidentally the judge that imposed the sentence died suddenly a week later so if their is such a thing as religion or a god then his punishment for handing down such a sentence was karma.

With regards to prison rehabilitation Andrew Chan and Myuran Sukumaran whose execution is nearing closer have proven to be model prisoners and as a reward for their co-operation they now have to face their maker. What about the victims of their family's having to endure this slow torture.

Latest news on them -
(This post was last modified: 10-03-2015 17:26 by Scottishbloke.)
10-03-2015 17:26
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Post: #27
RE: Death Penalty Verdict For Lindsay Sandiford
If your life depends on David Cameron, you are in seriously big troubleSadSadSadSad
10-03-2015 19:00
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wackawoo Offline

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Post: #28
RE: Death Penalty Verdict For Lindsay Sandiford
This isn't a matter of whether we think it is right or wrong (or capitol punnishment in general), it's what the law of the land is.

Drug smuddling is a captitol offence in that country, she knew this, she took the risk, she got caught.

Would it be overly different if it was a native?
10-03-2015 19:16
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HannahsPet Online
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Post: #29
RE: Death Penalty Verdict For Lindsay Sandiford
(10-03-2015 19:00 )SOCATOA Wrote:  If your life depends on David Cameron, you are in seriously big troubleSadSadSadSad

Got no chance this indonesian leader wont be swayed he is even pissing off the chinese by arresting and blowing up boats of chinese fishing men its accused of illegal fishing same with Vietmanese also pissed of the aussies

this guy wants a proper islamic state

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10-03-2015 20:03
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Scottishbloke Away

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Post: #30
RE: Death Penalty Verdict For Lindsay Sandiford
This is the latest documentary on what awaits all drug smugglers in Indonesia and yes it's 99% certain that this will be the fate for the lot of them. I will always oppose the death penalty and hope that one day we have worldwide abolition.

With regards to Cameron doing anything on his part to help well it's very unlikely especially when you take into consideration his refusal to pay Isis blood money in order to save David Haines after making it very clear that he would never negotiate with terrorists just to put everything into perspective.
(This post was last modified: 10-03-2015 20:22 by Scottishbloke.)
10-03-2015 20:21
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