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RE: jamie. not very loyal to bangbabes
KuDoS Wrote:If it was about the business sense where is the sense in signing them 6 weeks later and not at the start ?
Immediately grabbing all the BB girls would have made the channel appear like too much of a BB clone, regardless of whatever sets or gimmicks were introduced. The girls are after all, the core of any such show and what actually distinguishes it.
Instead, to avoid comparison and generate hype, it's easier to put out the notion that you're out to recruit the "very best" among the channels. Get the viewers interested in thinking up possibilities and then go on to gradually introduce the girls originally intended, taken from the other channel under the guise that after "searching" they were the best. Hopefully, the viewers will be so caught up in the hype that they'll buy the "only the best" pretext and won't notice the direct take off from the old channel and make the aforementioned obvious comparison to it.
Excessive sensitivity to such a comparison being made would tend to be a giveaway that they know it, but don't want it to be known.
As is so frequently pointed out: it's business - copy the market leader, add a gimmick or two and rebrand it as something new and original.
Serious Business
(This post was last modified: 21-05-2009 09:03 by Nigma.)
21-05-2009 09:01 |
Posts: 1,773
Joined: Dec 2008
RE: jamie. not very loyal to bangbabes
You're right,Nigma.It seems we were already watching the best girls you will ever see without actually realising it!
21-05-2009 09:13 |
"mini see through thong"
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RE: jamie. not very loyal to bangbabes
PillowPants Wrote:People talk about loyalty but nobody forced the girls to leave Bang Babes,if they wanted to stay they would have stayed.Jamie did what anybody starting a new enterprise would do,hired people he could trust to do a job from the get go.The problem with hiring untrained people is you end up with a situation where you have to do everything yourself while the new people get up speed ( you hope ).Want proof i give you Chatback.As for hiring new on-screen talent i guess that will come at a later date when elite has the time to properly train them in the aspects of dealing with the public,lets face it dealing with pervos like us isn't like working on the customer services counter at Tescos.
Dictionary say`s Pervert,Perverted = abnormal,amoral,bad,corrupt,degenerate,depraved,deviant,evil,immoral,profligate,twisted,unnatural,warped,wicked,wrong,obscene,opposite of natural. !!!!!! Dont think most of us deserve to be called these things, we are just "Bishop Bashers"  
21-05-2009 09:32 |
Hollywood PillowPants
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RE: jamie. not very loyal to bangbabes
SOCATOA Wrote:Dictionary say`s Pervert,Perverted = abnormal,amoral,bad,corrupt,degenerate,depraved,deviant,evil,immoral,profligate,twisted,unnatural,warped,wicked,wrong,obscene,opposite of natural. !!!!!! Dont think most of us deserve to be called these things, we are just "Bishop Bashers"   
Your right of course i assume people are just like me!!! i've changed it too protect the less immoral amongst us.
""This show's about as interesting as Nick Griffin reading excerpts from 'Mein Kampf'!"
21-05-2009 09:44 |
Posts: 1,773
Joined: Dec 2008
RE: jamie. not very loyal to bangbabes
I don't have a problem with the 'poaching' as it's business as everyone says and profit is the only thing that really matters.Elite was started to provide a higher quality service with the best girls the 900 channels could offer.It just seems that they were,mostly,already working for Bangbabes and Jamie just wanted to be his own boss and do things his way.This,again,is understandable but leaves us with a 'same but different' channel and hence the continuous 'Bangbabes 4' jibes.Until new girls are introduced,which is difficult even for the 'big boys',then these will continue.Although it probably irks Jamie to some extent,it won't effect the very good start that Elite TV has made.I'm not a fan of the girls on the channel but know a serious,professional broadcaster when I see one.
21-05-2009 09:47 |