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favourite musicals

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firekind Offline

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Post: #1
favourite musicals
to start with anyone saying 'heyall i dont listen to no doggone musicals' ask yourself if you enjoyed the blues brothers. if yes then you can like musicals whether you know it or not. if not then you are probably against everything good or american. mamma mia is not allowed as it is a karoke music video that has insanely made more money than any other film ever including titanic so fuck abba.

i am a huge fan of the following - blues brothers, moulin rouge, phantom of the opera, rocky horror picture show, evita and war of the worlds. i will include the best hour of tv ever in the buffy musical episode (it has to be remembered this was created in the middle of a series. its probably the last best buffy episode. how do you follow this show? you cant)there might be more but thats enough to start with now.

i think rocky horror is probably my favourite. its a film that cost so little to make that it was very nearly not even released in the firstplace. its just so full of energy its brilliant. who would ever think an alien tranny would be a great character? its also got janet, magenta and columbia of who everyone has a favourite. im mixed between magenta and columbia. meat loaf is superb in this too but quite honestly i was always a fan of richard o'brien from crystal maze so that might be why i think so much of this superb film? great stuff
10-04-2009 01:30
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Mister Gummidge Offline
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Post: #2
RE: favourite musicals
I've got a few that I'll own up to in public... Singin' in the Rain, Paint your Wagon, The Rocky Horror Picture Show (of courseBig Grin), The Blues Brothers, Meet Me in St Louis, High Society and Calamity Jane. A well made musical is a brilliant spectacle, whether it's Bizet's Carmen, My Fair Lady or Mamma Mia! (The wife loves it, loathe it myself but there you go. She hates Paint your Wagon, the silly womanBig Grin). I'll admit to drawing the line at Gilbert and Sullivan though. I had to go and see The Pirates of Penzance in school, there are some horrors no man should be made to live through twice...

"You say sarcasm is the lowest form of wit. I say that I tailor my jokes to the audience..."
10-04-2009 01:42
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Colbert Rules Offline
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Post: #3
RE: favourite musicals
The Blues Brothers, Grease, The Sound Of Music...Wizard Of Oz?

"If loving Leila was a crime, Colbert would be on Death Row."
10-04-2009 02:01
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Mister Gummidge Offline
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Post: #4
RE: favourite musicals
The Wizard of Oz! I forgot about that oneRolleyes Those flying monkeys scared the bejesus out of me when I was a kidBig Grin

"You say sarcasm is the lowest form of wit. I say that I tailor my jokes to the audience..."
10-04-2009 02:06
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firekind Offline

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Post: #5
RE: favourite musicals
i forgot to list sweeney todd. the only musical i saw on the big screen with big sound. plus its got johnny depp and tim burton working together again. i love the pair of them and the music was new to me so it was great but like any musical you need to know the music before you see it.

i have repo man but i havent watched/listened to it yet. its supposed to be a dark horror musical with gyles from buffy in it. i need to sit and watch it. anyone seen it?
10-04-2009 02:16
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