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Arsenal Vs. Tottenscum

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formerlly DjM

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Post: #41
RE: Arsenal Vs. Tottenscum
Have you never heard of a Mr. George W Bush, then?

And in reply to what I said about the Arsenal defenders backing off to let you shoot. What I meant was, if you watch the Jenas goal again, watch the defenders standing in front of him. They don't go in to close him down like defenders SHOULD do around that area of the pitch, they let him continue to run to the edge of the 18 yard box, and THEN try to close him down, and by that point its too late because hes already hit a shot, and hey, even players as shit as Jenas can score when given that amount of time and space!
(This post was last modified: 01-11-2008 08:17 by THE INCREDIBLE BULK.)
01-11-2008 08:15
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mas0887 Offline
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Post: #42
RE: Arsenal Vs. Tottenscum
Or players as shit as Adebayor can score from 1 yard out, or as shit as Van Persie can score when Hutton starts the move? See I can turn it around too. Also I don't see how your defenders being pricks and NOT DEFENDING could be thrown back as an argument to Tottenham being shit, that would be like me saying Arsenal are shit because Gomez kept on fucking up or Hutton fucked up royally, it makes no sense whatsoever.

And obviously I have heard of Bush but I don't see how people can hate America unequivocally just because the man at the top is a retarded nazi, you can hate him and his Presidency but to say you hate all of America because he is in charge is very simple and uneducated.
02-11-2008 05:05
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formerlly DjM

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Post: #43
RE: Arsenal Vs. Tottenscum
Know what. I'm not going to argue with this mental midget any longer. Congratulations, you can take what you'll probably think is a victory, because you're a moron, and you can just go with it really, because talking to you is clearly not getting me or anyone else anywhere, since you're too thick headed to actually listen or take anything in. So just fuck off, go play with yourself, go watch your scummy team, go play in traffic (which btw, is really not as fun as it sounds!) go do anything, I don't give a fuck, just don't attempt to have another conversation with me again, because I'm not wasting any more energy on you.
02-11-2008 11:36
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spurs30 Offline
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Post: #44
RE: Arsenal Vs. Tottenscum
yiiiiiiiiiiiiiid armyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy, hahahaha arse*** scum.

11 points behind now! we're coming for ya
02-11-2008 15:37
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mas0887 Offline
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Post: #45
RE: Arsenal Vs. Tottenscum
Haha Arsenal prick gets made to look a retard and spouts abuse when he knows he has been bested, congratulations on making Arsenal fans look mentally inept, good job. You obviously have what is best defined as internet bollocks, I feel very sorry for you knowing you fail at life so much. And your team fails at a lot of things nowadays too so you haven't even got that going for you.
03-11-2008 03:01
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formerlly DjM

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Post: #46
RE: Arsenal Vs. Tottenscum
Wow, you really are as sad, pathetic and stupid as your posts make you out to be, aren't you?

I was gonna let this go, because I understand that you're a stupid Spurs fan, and probably have the IQ of a sausage roll. But I just can't do it, your stupidity is just too much, and I can't hold myself back any longer. For once I'd like to make it known that this is going out to ONE Spurs fan only, and it is the universally hated idiot known as mas0887. Look, dipshit. I didn't "lose" anything, you didn't "win" anything. I was trying to show that unlike you, I am a mature adult, I don't need to sit here and a computer screen having an argument with a silly newbie who doesn't know what the fuck he's talking about, I have much better things to do with my time, like...wiping my arse for instance. Yes, you actually come below wiping my arse as a priority. Gee I bet your mothers proud of all you've accomplished mate.

Wow, I fail at life? Why's that? Because we drop a 2 goal lead at home to Spurs? HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!! You sad little fucker, do you really that that actually matters in real life? Do you even know what life is? Because you're starting to make me think you don't. And the best part of this is, I didn't even need to make this post about you, everyone knows what a useless pile of steaming horse shit you are. And I've had people back me up already, because there is one very basic flaw in your argument...YOU REFUSE TO ACKNOWLEDGE FACT!!! And that is why just like your team will soon become once again, you are a failure.

I would like to close by saying that I look forward to your reply, but in all honesty I'd look more forward to anal leakage, and thats saying a lot, cos I really don't want anal, ever.
03-11-2008 03:50
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mas0887 Offline
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Post: #47
RE: Arsenal Vs. Tottenscum
Haha knew I could get you to not leave fucktard. Wiping your arse is a low priority for you? Wow that speaks volumes, I don't even need to say anything else.
04-11-2008 05:12
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