Red Wrote:*sigh*
*Talks to wall for a while as although it isn't a good conversationalist it does listen*
Right, off the bat I'm not going to get dragged into what ranting has or hasn't gone off in here about Elite TV as, quite frankly, I don't care either way and wouldn't even know about it if somebody else hadn't mentioned something as I don't normally read this section as I have no interest in it
What I am going to comment on is obviously some peoples lack of ability to be able to see outside the scope of this website. Feel free to move this to the flamebox peeps as it doesn't really fit anywhere and I didn't think it merited it's own thread as I can't be arsed to start the debate all over again with those people unable to grasp the differences between an ideology and reality 
For those of you who are even remotely interested in why freedom of speech is an ideology not a reality then perhaps a good starting point would be here
Debate at your own leisure, just don't expect myself to respond unless people can raise their discussion beyond the ranting, nuff said 
Ideology: A set of aims and ideas.
The aim: To call critics of Elite TV "Pricks" and "Dick Heads".
The idea: To call the critics of Elite TV "Pricks" and "Dick Heads" on this forum.
Reality: The state of things as they actually exist.
Reality: The critics of Elite TV have indeed been called "Pricks" and "Dick Heads" on this forum.
Freedom of Speech: To call the critics of Elite TV "Pricks" and "Dick Heads" on this forum.
Reality of Freedom of Speech: The critics of Elite TV have indeed been called "Pricks" and "Dick Heads" on this forum.
So therefore Freedom of Speech within this forum is a
reality, not an
Elite TV is now well aware of the
Reality of Freedom of Speech,
since they have continued to turn their
ideology into a
reality. Perhaps you could tell the people at Stanford this?