slave G
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RE: Chantel Lane
(14-06-2024 11:21 )eazye00 Wrote: Hi Guys,
Has Chantel ever done any harder stuff like boy/girl, I've seen the jim slip girl/girl.
To my knowledge no.
She did film with 'Pet Girls' which I have seen.
It is however humiliation, puppy play, but you get to see her in the buff.
I hope that helps?
Slave G.
(25-12-2023 21:25 )slave G Wrote: (14-11-2023 15:34 )snoop69 Wrote: Hey y’all been hoping for an update but I’m very sceptical, no offence slave g but u posted on New Year’s Day that she would be back soon - she was training in someone, and now nearly a year later there’s still nothing. I really wish she would post something herself and let her fans know what her plans are. Hopefully she does come back soon preferably before Christmas so please Santa I’ve been good all year
Merry Christmas.
I'm in contact with Mistress Chantel but I have no idea when she will be returning to the babe channels I'm afraid.
She's working behind the scenes on Babestation producing and managing the girls.
An even larger breast augmentation is booked for February so I think it'll be a while after that before she returns to our screens.
Serves Mistress Chantel
07-07-2024 12:48 |