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What has happened to the chat?

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mikedafc Offline
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Post: #11
RE: What has happened to the chat?
In lieu of Cellcast's warped way of thinking nowadays, yes that is exactly what I am saying.

The show was doing so well that it's hours got increased from 9am to 9pm whereas PP went for a while at least to 11am to 8pm from 9pm.

The Chat would I understand have gone completely had the Irish company not bought either a major share in it or bought it outright.

If the company that has bought into The Chat think it is a viable programme then it will take money from other channels and particularly Cellcast channels(which makes their stand on it baffling) but only if they bring back a producer to oversee and deal with technical issues. Right now it has started to look a bit amateurish and I hope that is more down to them having to move studio and that the current problems with mics and computers will get sorted out.

Nikki was felt to be more focused on her other projects and took the fact that she was being let go with good grace, Donatella on the other hand wasn't happy and you can see her response on here as well as her twitter account.

I hope that it can get back to where it was, we will just have to wait and see!!

(27-10-2009 16:41 )thinwhiteduke Wrote:  [quote='mikedafc' pid='260953' dateline='1256585800']
Cellcast cut it's hours because it was taking viewers away from PP and BS Daytime, they got rid of the Misters and got the girls trained up to do all the things like Chatbacks etc that the Mister's did.

Are you saying the show was too successful ?

It is trying to sail its way through the bad economic times so that they have a show on the other side. At the moment it is being run on a week to week basis to see if it meets its income targets, hopefully if it can prove it is doing that and the bosses see how good a show it is then it will go back to somewhere close to where it is was just 3 months ago.

If the show is meeting it's income targets and goes back to where it was three months ago, then it will still be taking money off the other channels.
(This post was last modified: 27-10-2009 19:01 by mikedafc.)
27-10-2009 18:59
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thinwhiteduke Offline
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Post: #12
RE: What has happened to the chat?
So they've sold a profitable channel which was taking money off their other channels to a competitor ?

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27-10-2009 19:35
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mikedafc Offline
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Post: #13
RE: What has happened to the chat?
That is my understanding, yes.

(27-10-2009 19:35 )thinwhiteduke Wrote:  So they've sold a profitable channel which was taking money off their other channels to a competitor ?
27-10-2009 19:39
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pakeha Offline
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Post: #14
RE: What has happened to the chat?
(27-10-2009 19:39 )mikedafc Wrote:  That is my understanding, yes.

(27-10-2009 19:35 )thinwhiteduke Wrote:  So they've sold a profitable channel which was taking money off their other channels to a competitor ?

I found the whole selling off the Chat by Cellcast quite strange firstly for the reasons outlined although it seemed Cellcast wanted to bully the Chat because of it being more succesful then its other channels which now show girls in similiar outfits in the day to that of the nightime. But Cellcast still wanted to retain control ove the hours of the chat by reducing it, even though an Irish company had bought it. I found it strange that the Irish company was not controlling the hours of the Chat. Also, how come the Chat is still on a Cellcast channle, you would have thought it would be on a different channel by now? It ap[pears that Cellcast still have a large say in the running of the programme.

It was good for its viewers that the programme was saved, but I haven't seen much change in the perormance of the show and it still seems poorly run, and chaotic. At times, technical hitches, still starting at least 5 minutes late, etc. The new owner need to do more with the sho and stamp more of their identity on it. are the Irish viewers having any say in the running of the programme? I am also finding that their still seems to be similiar viewers to before. I am not sure how many new viewers, particularly Irish ones have joined. At the start it seemed more were coming in, but it seems to have fallen back again.
01-03-2010 09:53
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pakeha Offline
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Post: #15
RE: What has happened to the chat?
I also see Nikki has returned to the Chat. I thought she had moved to the Casino Channel. Is she not still on there? I guess she must have patched up her issues with Bambi, but bit surprised she returned.
01-03-2010 09:56
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scapaflow Offline
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Post: #16
RE: What has happened to the chat?
Any chance that Emma Ashley can be loaned back to the Pad during the next transfer window? Sadly missed.
01-03-2010 12:51
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pitbullpar Offline
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Post: #17
RE: What has happened to the chat?
(01-03-2010 12:51 )scapaflow Wrote:  Any chance that Emma Ashley can be loaned back to the Pad during the next transfer window? Sadly missed.

would do mate but not sure what's going on with her at the mo as she wasn't on last week and only 1 show this week i think, so maybe the other stuff she does has taken over a bit more but missed no matter what channel she's on
01-03-2010 13:09
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mikedafc Offline
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Post: #18
RE: What has happened to the chat?
She is still working for the smart live casino and doing 1-2 days a week at The Chat. Door was never closed on Nikki as at the time she was let go The Chat had just got some of its hours back and due to her other committments at the time she couldn't give the committment to The Chat that Bambi wanted.

(01-03-2010 09:56 )pakeha Wrote:  I also see Nikki has returned to the Chat. I thought she had moved to the Casino Channel. Is she not still on there? I guess she must have patched up her issues with Bambi, but bit surprised she returned.
02-03-2010 11:50
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mikedafc Offline
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Post: #19
RE: What has happened to the chat?
Emma is working during the week as a fashion designer so is only available at weekends to work elsewhere and that will be, she has decided at The Chat.

(01-03-2010 12:51 )scapaflow Wrote:  Any chance that Emma Ashley can be loaned back to the Pad during the next transfer window? Sadly missed.
02-03-2010 11:53
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