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Where's The Mute Button?

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Mister Gummidge Offline
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Post: #1
Where's The Mute Button?
I can't be the only one who finds the background music on the various babe channels really irritating, can I? My own worst offender is SportXXXBabes, not just for the fact that it's particularly generic ambient house, but also the fact that the it's so much louder than the other channels. More than once I've found myself browsing the channels and nearly been startled off the sofa by an altogether unnecessary "Whoa Yeaah!" at almost deafening volume. Does anyone else think that it's about time the various operators shelled out for some new bgm?

I'm sure one of the channels used to stream rock and punk music when all the girls were on the phone lines, does anyone remember which one?

"You say sarcasm is the lowest form of wit. I say that I tailor my jokes to the audience..."
07-09-2008 03:40
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*Kal-El* Away

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Post: #2
RE: Where's The Mute Button?
I agree with you there mate it starts to get on your nerves after a while. day after day the same music does my ears in.

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07-09-2008 03:46
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Colbert Rules Offline
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Post: #3
RE: Where's The Mute Button?
I agree, always have it on mute.

"If loving Leila was a crime, Colbert would be on Death Row."
08-09-2008 20:35
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Headlessman Offline
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Post: #4
[split] Where's The Mute Button?
I switched on to Sex Station the other day and they were playing some sort of punk rock music in the backround.It must have been an accident because they changed it after about two minutes.While that sort of music doesn't really suit these shows,it still sounds better than the rubbish thats on them now.I usually turn my volume way down when watching.
10-09-2008 00:22
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gyalis_star Offline
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Post: #5
RE: Where's The Mute Button?
i dunno the funniest fing is when u see the girls clearly listenin to sumfin else dancein around lol

havent bin here 4 a while hummm wonder who missed me lol
10-09-2008 04:33
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aldershot1993 Offline
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Post: #6
Babe Channel backing music
Is it just me or have some of the channels improved their backing music recently? I even like some of the music now.
10-06-2009 10:00
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