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RE: Taboo topics
(09-09-2010 21:56 )eccles Wrote: Turns out the BBFC reckon pissing is specially offensive and "humiliating". They allow it reluctantly in restricted videos, but even then 1-on-1 isn't allowed. Since R18 isn't allowed on TV you won't see it on TV. The best you can get is some dampness in an encrypted channel because that's cert 18. It's too risky to show this live in case they accidentally show too much, so the channels won't risk it.
Why aren't they allowed to discuss some things? Because of rules by the pay call regulator.
Dear old Ofcom love having loads of different regulations that they can use to block things. You'd have thought one regulator = 1 set of rules, but no, that might actually allow people to communicate.
BBC motto: Nation shall speak unto nation.
Ofcom motto: Channels shall not communicate to viewers.
We had agreed not to say anymore on this topic until we saw Eccles' post which was really interesting. This idea of pissing being offensive and humiliating must come from the idea of golden showers, in other words people being "pissed on". And because of this, anything to do with peeing is being blocked which is just stupid. Anyone, girl or boy, peeing in their pants is not even a sexual act. There is no nudity, no penetration and it is only humiliating if the person doing it feels humiliated in which case they wouldn't do it anyway (unless it was a genuine accident). So to put that in the same category as golden showers is totally unfair.
You can walk into the local sweetshop and buy magazines where girls are pictured in all sorts of really explicit poses and there is simulated S&M and all sorts of other stuff that could be considered degrading or dehumanising so that the girls are reduced to the level of being pure objects of sexual pleasure. But add a photo of a girl with a wet patch on her jeans and somehow this becomes something much more hardcore!
There are scenes in "The man who fell to earth" (where the girl wets her pink knickers when she sees David Bowie in his real alien form), "The Exorcist" (girl wets herself in fear when hiding under the bed) and lots of other films and TV programmes. Pre-recorded or not, they are wetting scenes that have been shown on live TV at relatively early times of night.
Anyway, we are going over the same ground. Thanks Eccles for the info on the official line. At least we know where things stand on this topic. I wonder what other fetishes viewers have that are needlessly banned by uptight bureaucrats.
09-09-2010 22:43 |