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SeanTheDon's Dungeon of Horror

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terence Offline

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Post: #11
RE: SeanTheDon's Dungeon of Horror
[Image: august_underground_2.jpg]

An incestuous brother and sister team up with our lovable serial killer from August Underground for an even more brutal road of mayhem and massacre. Once again, everything is captured on the handheld camera of the killers. More brutal, twisted, and sick than August Underground, Mordum takes you to the absolute edge of sanity.

This installment takes things even further than the first, adding in anything and everything imaginable. With elements of incest, necrophilia, torture, humiliation, degradation, murder, slaughter, and even some porn on a small level.

WARNING: Do not eat before watching this. If you do, please allow at least an hour before viewing.


it's the most fucked up thing i've ever seen!

Chuck Norris has tested positive for coronavirus (COVID-19). the virus is now in quarantine for 14 days.
(This post was last modified: 23-02-2012 10:33 by terence.)
23-02-2012 10:30
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Don Tingley Offline

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Post: #12
RE: SeanTheDon's Dungeon of Horror
Quality thread Sean mate.

I'm well into horrors and always on the lookout for ones I haven't seen.

Keep it up mate Smile
23-02-2012 13:21
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SeanTheDon Offline
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Post: #13
RE: SeanTheDon's Dungeon of Horror
There are some strange horrors out there,a lot of horrors can be about masked people stalking and killing teens,demon possesions or monsters attacking cities,but there are some really original horror ideas but doesn't really mean they are good,more like "Wow,somebody actually made this!",here are some examples and one that is quite entertaining

The Gingerdead Man - A gingerbread man comes to life through the soul of a killer (kind of like Child's Play),and hunts down the girl that got him executed in prison,daft but fun to watch

Jack Frost - A killer gingerbread man and now a killer snowman,same sort of idea,a serial killer comes back to life as a snowman and carries on killing,he even rapes a woman with his carrot nose,very silly but has some good funny moments

Meet The Feebles - Dunno if this is classified as horror really but it sure is original,all animal puppets in this film and it follows the lives of the cast and crew of a Muppets style children's show,some of them are on drugs,some are sex addicts and one cast member plans a killing spree,bonkers but very fun to watch

Rubber - Now this is mental,a killer car tyre,it rolls along and uses telepathy to make people's heads explode and it starts stalking a woman,5/5 for originality but it is let down by being so stupid and poorly made

Evil Bong - Now how about a killer bong,this film follows stoner college students smoking from an ancient bong which sends them into a nightmare world,low budget fun and quite laugh out loud funny at times

[Image: gingerdead_man_sigler.jpg]
The Gingerdead Man

[Image: Jack_Frost_horror_movies_8489696_700_386.jpg]
Jack Frost

[Image: thumbnail.jpg]
Meet The Feebles

[Image: Rubber_Film_Still.jpg]

[Image: Full_Bong_Bong_World.jpg]
Evil Bong

So,what one is worth checking out,quite a tough choice,a couple are really funny and gruesome,but there is only one bizarre horror here that is recommended highly and it is...
[Image: jackfrost_DVD.jpg]

Jack Frost,like a black comedy horror with lots of corny one liners and also some good scenes of tension and bloody violence,there is also a sequel,Jack Frost 2: Revenge of the Mutant Killer Snowman

We got a love between us and it's like electricity * We got a love like a violent mind * We get our love from white white lines * We got a love that ain't got no name * We kiss our love with our lips like pain * We got a love from nowhere towns * We got a love like electric sounds * We got a love that ain't got no shame * We kiss our love with our lips like pain * Kissing our love with our lips like pain
23-02-2012 13:29
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terence Offline

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Post: #14
RE: SeanTheDon's Dungeon of Horror
(23-02-2012 10:30 )terence Wrote:  snip

it's the most fucked up thing i've ever seen!

has anybody else actually seen this?


Chuck Norris has tested positive for coronavirus (COVID-19). the virus is now in quarantine for 14 days.
(This post was last modified: 24-02-2012 03:35 by terence.)
24-02-2012 03:32
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SeanTheDon Offline
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Post: #15
RE: SeanTheDon's Dungeon of Horror
I've heard about it but not got a chance to see it yet,need to try and get the uncut version of it somewhere,i think the horror channel showed it once

We got a love between us and it's like electricity * We got a love like a violent mind * We get our love from white white lines * We got a love that ain't got no name * We kiss our love with our lips like pain * We got a love from nowhere towns * We got a love like electric sounds * We got a love that ain't got no shame * We kiss our love with our lips like pain * Kissing our love with our lips like pain
24-02-2012 11:23
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SeanTheDon Offline
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Post: #16
RE: SeanTheDon's Dungeon of Horror
There have been some horror films about serial killers,some fictional and some based on true events,i watched one recently called Dahmer about Jeffrey Dahmer who ate his victims,there are 5 more worth mentioning

Henry:Portrait Of A Serial Killer - Supposedly based on true events,this follows a young man and his friend that brutally kill random people,was banned for a while but now out there in full uncut form,very disturbing

The Manson Family - Based on the horrible Manson family murders in 1969,this shows Charles Manson and his "family" doing loads of drugs and listening to rock music before commiting the awful murders of Sharon Tate and co.,surprisingly dull

The Hillside Strangler - True story of 2 cousins that killed loads of women during the 70s,very grim and great performances from all,must of been frightening to be a young woman in those times when these 2 sickos were lurking about in the dark streets,some scenes not for the sensitive types

Man Bites Dog - A more amusing serial killer horror which is about a documentary crew that follow the life of a killer and soon assist him in his murders and rapes,disturbing for sure but it has some humour thrown in amongst the bloody killings

Behind The Mask: The Rise Of Leslie Vernon - A fictional serial killer story that is similiar to Man Bites Dog which has a documentary crew filming the life of a horror buff that says he is planning a mass murder,very chilling and a great ending,features horror legend Robert Englund

[Image: 0015b322_medium.jpg]
Henry:Portrait Of A Serial Killer

[Image: The_manson_family_film_3.jpg]
The Manson Family

[Image: 9016_001.jpg]
The Hillside Strangler

[Image: poelvoorde_t600.jpg]
Man Bites Dog

[Image: Leslie_Vernon_Behind_the_Mask_03.jpg]
Behind The Mask:The Rise Of Leslie Vernon

All equally disturbing and bleak pictures,but one is more entertaining and builds up nicely to a great finale and is worth watching again

[Image: Behind_the_Mask_The_Rise_of_Leslie_Vernon.jpg]

Behind The Mask: The Rise Of Leslie Vernon,entertaining serial killer horror,catch it when you can,it is on the horror channel sometimes or buy it on dvd or rent it,gripping and chilling,out of those 5 films this one is the least talked about with film buffs,hopefully more attention comes to it soon

We got a love between us and it's like electricity * We got a love like a violent mind * We get our love from white white lines * We got a love that ain't got no name * We kiss our love with our lips like pain * We got a love from nowhere towns * We got a love like electric sounds * We got a love that ain't got no shame * We kiss our love with our lips like pain * Kissing our love with our lips like pain
29-02-2012 11:38
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SeanTheDon Offline
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Post: #17
RE: SeanTheDon's Dungeon of Horror
Melissa George is a great actress,seen her in many films now,she seems to make a lot of horror,some good and some not so good,so this is a Melissa George special,which horror of hers is the best?

Triangle - A group of people stranded at sea on a yacht find rescue from an ocean liner,once aboard they find the whole ship empty,or is it?Tongue one of those kind of films,some good creepy moments

30 Days Of Night - A gang of vampires attack a town that has 30 days of darkness or 30 days of night Tongue entertaining vampire horror,lot of gory moments

Paradise Lost - A group of backpackers become lost in Brazil and their boozing and drug taking is over when they find out about a dark secret about what happens to tourists in the area they are in,decent enough horror,was part of the big torture porn boom that was started by Saw

The Amityville Horror - Remake of the 70s horror which supposedly based on a true story,it is a family moving into their new home and it seems to be haunted,been done a million times before but it has some good eerie moments

WΔZ - Grisly psychological horror about a detective investigating loads of deaths where the bodies have the same symbol carved in their body,a nasty film with a lot of gruesomeness and a bottle rape scene

[Image: triangle.jpg]

[Image: 30_mel.jpg]
30 Days Of Night

[Image: turista.jpg]
Paradise Lost

[Image: the_amityville_horror08.jpg]
The Amityville Horror

[Image: waz.jpg]

So,5 horrors all starring Melissa George,she is good in all of them,but the best has to be...

[Image: 30_days_of_night_poster6.jpg]

30 Days Of Night,the graphic novel is excellent,and the film is just as good,fun and gory,and Melissa looks fine

We got a love between us and it's like electricity * We got a love like a violent mind * We get our love from white white lines * We got a love that ain't got no name * We kiss our love with our lips like pain * We got a love from nowhere towns * We got a love like electric sounds * We got a love that ain't got no shame * We kiss our love with our lips like pain * Kissing our love with our lips like pain
06-03-2012 12:25
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