Mister Gummidge
Professional Strawman
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RE: Ani James appreciation thread
MrGreaper, your post was deleted as it was deemed to be offensive towards another member of this forum. (Yes Ani James is a member here, feel free to type her name into the member search.) I have no idea when she logged in last, nor do I have any idea whether she saw your remark or not. What I do know is that your remark did not read as funny, it read as insulting, therefore it was flagged for a second opinion. Obviously I'm not the only one who thought that way as the post was subsequently deleted. You should have been notified by me by PM about it, but I was remiss in my failure to do so and for that I apologise.
There are one or two other things that I feel I should address. You ask what happened to freedom of speech? Freedom of speech is a myth; just like centaurs, dragons, compassionate conservatism or non-interfering liberalism. Freedom of speech exists only when a person is talking to themselves, as everything a person says is subject to censorship; be it the censorship of non-publication, the censorship of being told not to say those things in someone else's house or the censorship of getting a smack in the teeth for telling a bloke down the pub his missus has a face like a melted welly. This website is subject to censorship as well, the censorship of not offending other members by making thoughtless remarks about their personal appearance.
Your second point? About this website being about girls who get naked and talk dirty on a phone? I truly fail to see what bearing that has on anything. To say that working for one of the channels removes you from the same courtesies as those extended to the other members is as ridiculous as saying that working in a bank or on a building site also removes you from those same courtesies.
Before this turns into yet another thread filled with members ranting about "sucking up" and having their freedom of speech impeded, let me remind everyone that if a post is deemed to be personally insulting towards another member, be they male or female then that post risks deletion. You may consider this a breach of your human rights or something. Cry me a fucking river. If you want to criticise Ani's performance, then feel free. The same thing applies if you want to point out that that Ani isn't your favourite, everyone's allowed an opinion; just don't be surprised if people ignore your post as trolling.
A nice shiny rep point to the next person who posts something about what this thread was started by the OP for, sharing his enthusiasm for Ani James.
"You say sarcasm is the lowest form of wit. I say that I tailor my jokes to the audience..."
16-03-2009 03:55 |