I'd marry H. Lola in a heartbeat
Posts: 547
Joined: Oct 2015
Reputation: 14
i need a tutorial for an absolute (and not too bright) newb
maybe this topic was already discussed here, but I couldn't find anything specific.. i hope in the moderator's clemency
well, this is the point: I'd like to upload on this forum some videos, using sendvid, but..I'm a retard for everything related to technology, i never uploaded videos on forums, so I would need a schematic and simple explanation of this...(the kind of explanation given to children): i uploaded some videos on sendvid... now, how can I post them in specific topics of the forum, in a way that you can see directly the video, simply clicking the "start" button on the initial screenshot, without having to click on a link and go to another site?
Thanks in advance for any help
year after year after year, I keep reading that the shows were better "in the past"... maybe they were never that great (except in the pioneering era)?
05-01-2016 14:29 |