I've noticed recently on this forum is how many of us fans are starting to bite back in the war against some of these shameless babes who 'beg' for presents.
One of the babe channels even had the cheek the other day to offer their address and suggested to fans that they should send their Valentine's Day gifts (that's gifts not cards!) to the girls at said address.
I replied that this was a pretty low thing to do, especially in the light of ChrisLatimer's brilliant recent thread where members offered their views on the way many of these girls openly ask for presents, be they birthday, Christmas or Valentine's gifts, and how some fans are duped into buying and sending them expensive gifts in the false hope of getting closer to said girls.
It was nice to see that my viewpoint got some backing from other members on here, enough in fact to get the guy who posted the initial begging post to post back, claiming that it was a tongue-in-cheek message in the first place.
However, when another forum member posted back to reveal indiscrepancies on the part of that channel in their past dealings with him, the rep from that channel didn't post back with any sort of reply. A few days on and the silence from the guy from the channel in question is
I'm certainly not saying people shouldn't send these girls gifts etc - each to their own - but I would certainly prefer it if these girls themselves, or at least through their employers, would abstain from openly
asking for gifts from sometimes vulnerable and deluded fans. It's not nice and it doesn't reflect well on the individual, who is often much better paid than the gift-buying fan anyway.
If I want to send a card or gift to someone on these channels then I'll get in touch with someone associated with that channel on this forum and will find out for myself as to where to post gifts - what I don't need is someone shamelessly asking me for a gift. And it seems that more and more blokes on this forum are thinking the same way
