I have been to the Crucible Theatre many times over the years.
There is no doubting it is a unique sporting arena that generates an electric atmosphere due to its acoustics and intimacy.
Primarily because it is a theatre. That is the main point really. How many sporting events get played out in a theatre?
The drama that has played out in that space over the years has been truly remarkable and has been a major back story of my life.
It is snookers spiritual home from my point of view.
Many people around the world talk of an annual pilgrimage to visit the place for the World Championship each year. It matters to people and I get that.
It is a special place to me too.
However....... the biggest tournament in the sport in one of the smallest if not the smallest arena on the tour will be seen as not sustainable for the demands of the modern and global game.
With demand consistently outstripping supply for tickets every year to a degree far more acute than in most other sports there is an issue to be debated here for sure. Seemingly more and more players want more prize money and more freedom to play when and where they want with no restrictions and have things laid on for them and get the rock star treatment.
The danger is the point where players say "No players - No product".
Like it or not the primary focus of any sporting body has to be the players.
And with that, unfortunately comes a greater focus on financial reward and sustainability of their futures and the future of the sport.
Is a Crucible Theatre 2 viable?
I would suspect not because Sheffield City Council like pretty much all councils in the UK are short of funds. Could they seriously justify stumping up cash from council tax payers of Sheffield for a new theatre of maybe 2000 capacity that may only reach full capacity for the snooker and not for any other productions put on throughout the year?
In an ongoing cost of living crisis and with the state of services across the country being so dire I would imagine Sheffield has bigger and more important things to worry about than a snooker tournament held for seventeen days a year even accounting for the revenue it brings to the local economy for that small period.
Unfortunately in this modern era money talks.
I don't like that reality but it is what it is.
I don't like the idea of the World Championship going to Saudi Arabia at all.
Dirty money and all. How many Saudi professionals are on the tour also btw?
China would be an alternative option and from a pure snooker point of view be better because of the amount of Chinese players on the circuit.
The compromise option is to move the championship around each year.
I could perhaps live with that but The Crucible Theatre has a special place in my heart for all the amazing memories it has helped create.
Sheffield is an amazing city too, I love the place with all my heart

However I love snooker with all my heart too.
The interests of the sport and the interests of Sheffield do not necessarily align because of so many different considerations and consequences.
I hope a mutually satisfactory conclusion is reached for all. But I rather suspect money will have the final say
