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Bangbabes 3?

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speedybert Away
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Post: #31
RE: Bangbabes3
gingerbloke Wrote:[/size]When will these girls stop taking the piss they never do anything you ask not just on this station but all of them also I know they have to tease but what's with the two pair of panties all the time perhaps I expect to much for £1.50 per min during our credit crunch times.CoolCoolCool

What are you actually asking them to do?Build a house?Fix your car?
01-10-2008 10:07
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Post: #32
RE: Bangbabes3
I said this in another topic so i'll say it again here.

Sorry to be rude but all 3 channels are Crap! Bangbabes3 AKA 959 isn't worth watching cause the girls can't get into a good position (Office room). Bangbabes2 AKA 948 is even worse cause it's half a screen but bangbabes1 AKA 912 isn't bad as you get to see what your calling for That's if you like Begging cause theirs a few girls that's doesn't want to move so you have to Beg.

I think Beggars need sacked cause they just waste callers money...


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01-10-2008 16:12
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steven6 Offline
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Post: #33
RE: Bangbabes3
wot were we really expecting from BB3?

I wish I could go back in time and kill whoever invented Breast Implants!!!!!!
01-10-2008 19:26
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gingerbloke Offline
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Post: #34
RE: Bangbabes3
speedybert Wrote:
gingerbloke Wrote:[/size]When will these girls stop taking the piss they never do anything you ask not just on this station but all of them also I know they have to tease but what's with the two pair of panties all the time perhaps I expect to much for £1.50 per min during our credit crunch times.CoolCoolCool

What are you actually asking them to do?Build a house?Fix your car?
I'm expecting filth thats what we pay for.

Free speech is a democratic right so I will say what I feel is right.... I'm not here to gain brownie points
01-10-2008 20:43
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gyalis_star Offline
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Post: #35
RE: Bangbabes3
i agree with the general consensis of dissapointment but at least it aint as bad as 957 which is literaly the same show as 910 isuppose on a brighter note you may have more of a chance finding your favourite girl if theres 3 channels to choose from what does the forum think callgirlslive tv on television x2?reminds me of the good ol days even got classic girls like emma b if sky can encrypt movie channels so we can watch moives when we want y cant they do it for the channels in the900 range?

havent bin here 4 a while hummm wonder who missed me lol
01-10-2008 23:39
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*Kal-El* Away

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Post: #36
RE: Bangbabes3
i totally agree with you about the other channels being the same, at least callgirlslive tv is a little different would love to see more of emma b in the nude hehe, i would love for them to encrypt the 900 channels, but even then theres no reason that they still would go hardcore, i live in hope that will happen one day.

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01-10-2008 23:59
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TheDude Offline
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Post: #37
RE: Bangbabes3
They are going for quantity now not quality, too many channels now that are watered down, were getting girls on their own now instead of couples so the girl on girl action is slowly slipping away.
02-10-2008 00:42
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BarrieBF Offline
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Post: #38
RE: Bangbabes3
TheDude Wrote:were getting girls on their own now instead of couples so the girl on girl action is slowly slipping away.

Yes, good point Dude!

On the other hand, there are some advantages to one girl being able to fill the screen.
02-10-2008 08:20
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gyalis_star Offline
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Post: #39
RE: Bangbabes3
i prefer 1 girl have you seen the post about channels gettin to sof?you practicly have 2 girls doin there own thing or pretendin to interact its all irritatin like scrolling through the free channels only to stumble upon tvx askin 4 a pin lol i think if they encripted we could watch any time rather than waitin 4 nipple slips on earlybird/ladslounge etc is this realy wat weve bin reduced to?if they encripted id still watch but if they asked 4 money id never pay especially wiv sum of the rubbish there puttin out have you ever seen when avalons on?(cant rember what channel)she cant even face the cam wiv her legs open...all in all iam very dissapointed they got sum very pretty girls willin to do sum very nasty things but we get the pg version like we aint all seen an dun it b4 were adults an paying customers upset wiv apoor service there must be sumfin we can do......and yes please more emma b pics lol (quite a rant a???? lol)

havent bin here 4 a while hummm wonder who missed me lol
04-10-2008 02:18
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