sasha Wrote:Hi Ricardo,
Yes darling, I did used to use the name Anya. Thankyou for saying I have a nice arse.
I think my body is nice but I need to train more - swimming
Thanks again
Sash xx
Ricardo Wrote:Hi Sasha,
you are gorgeous. If you aren't on, I don't bother to even flick through the sex channels on SKY. You are the best. You have great great sex appeal and the most perfect ass I have ever seen.
Didn't you used to go the name of Anya on another channel? I never forget a gorgeous ass. 
I should have emphasised that you have a great body. You are perfectly formed.

Great smile, good height, lovely breasts, flat stomach and long, shapely legs. You've even got nice feet!
Its a shame that Bangbabes makes you have to cover up all the time. It seems like you are a free spirt and very comforatble with showing every part of your great body. (Although you should definitely do a few more leg raises with your bum right up to the screen!
