(08-03-2012 16:56 )sophia knight Wrote: OK so rules have been relaxed, if we need to go to the toilet we just go... sometimes ive even took my phone with me and kept answering calls when on the loo ..... before we had to wait till our break, but before we had less channels and had a break every 40 mins.. so never needed to come off screen, now with more channels we are on screen sometimes 2 hours or more... and i dunno about other girls but coffee goes straight through me and i have a cup of coffee every break. sometime girls will come off to grab something, or change set quickly. i made a comment about "shagging" as so many of you have came up0 with that theory. as far as im aware lexi wasnt on a break the same time she finished for the night. the camera shook side to side because it was heavy and it started sliding down the tripod. hence the producer taking it off me... the reason my PM isnt on is because i was getting hate mail and death threats so the moderators stopped me from getting PM. also i thought you would have found my voice over for paiges bum last night more interesting than girls pee breaks hahahahah
Sorry to hear about death threats! There's always going to be some psycho out there, sadly.
OK, I'll believe your explanation, as you seem to care enough to post about it, and because it does seem believeable (I'd still rather put my food in by myself, instead of taking Clare's camera for a tiny amount of time before the cameraman took over, but that's me

). New rules this year, more quick bathroom breaks. OK, that honestly seems plausible. The camera definitely moved side to side to say no though like we see from the cameramen at times when they are being funny, and didn't slide down, but I don't have a clip to prove it

. The tripod would normally be locked so that no sliding down would happen anyway, from my experience in camera work, so it wouldn't be heavy to you because it's on a tripod. Also, I'd find it more likely that you would want the callers to think it WAS infact you fliming Clare, as that could entice more people to call in, yet the camera shook to say NO, which gave me the impression it was the cameraman telling us you were not there, and that you had just said hi to Clare from afar.
I didn't know the producers filmed the women as well, but I'll take your word for it!
When you get the time, will you have a look at the Lilly and Caty clip in the "mysterious logo" thread, and tell me what you think? The Dionne link doesn't work anymore because of the FBI shutdown, but it was not a pee break from my perspective. We see when the women are eating or drinking, as the camera either shows it or pans away, so why the logo for these moments? I know you can't speak for them, but I'd still like your opinion.
At first I thought that was Paige's voice doing the bum talking, but you're right it was you! Funny stuff