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Dr Who

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bytor Offline
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Post: #361
RE: Dr Who
I'll be brutally honest and say it was crap. Once more the screenwriters seem to glory in yet another senseless, confused script that underwhelms. The way Amy and Rory committed 'suicide' was poorly crafted. These two characters fight death all the way in every other episode but in this one it seemed like they wanted to be lemmings right from the off. The weeping angels were OK in their first outing but have never warranted repeated returns. Hardly scary...all you need is a hammer and chisel and they are fucked :-)
Worst of all bloody River bloody Pond promising to return to ruin future episodes. Showing my age perhaps but bring back Daleks, Cybermen, Yeti's, Sea Devils, and Martian Mummy's!
29-09-2012 20:30
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mellover Offline

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Post: #362
RE: Dr Who
It was shit. Not to mention it made no sense whatsoever.

1 - we where already told that history had just happened and rory was traped in the room and he never saw amy again.

2 - Roy went back presumably to the prison room the angles wanted him in? To whit, Amy decideds to go there (apparently the angels where obliging in this an put her with him. So point one still holds there.

3. The last page oh the novel which seems to suggest that Amy and Rory had a lovely life together dying in there 80's - Huh POINT FUCKING ONE.

4. Rory and Amy where suppose to be traped in one room on a part of the universe of the Angels making, yet their grave was in modern day New york suggesting that they had lived their life in this universe, that being so the Doctor could easily have hopped in his tardis to visit, or even bring them back to their own time and families.

what a load of tripe. It was as believeable as Amy falling in love with Rory and sucking on his balls. annoyedannoyed

Plus point, alexs Kingston clevage Big Grin
29-09-2012 20:45
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Scottishbloke Away

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Post: #363
RE: Dr Who
I must be in the minority here because I actually thought it was a really good episode, it kept me on the edge of my seat from the word go. Also I thought the twist at the end was well thought out. I'm also not afraid to admit it but it left me with a tear in my eye at the end. Over the past 2 years I have become quite attached to the Amy Pond character and Doctor Who without her will just not be the same, did they really have to kill her off Huh
29-09-2012 20:46
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jonnyalpha Offline
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Post: #364
RE: Dr Who
Hi guys just to say I find this new series shite. Don't like that dickhead of a Doctor every time I see him just wanna punch him in the face.
I am however gonna miss Amy Pond she was the only reason I kept watching the show she was HOT now she's gone don't know if I will bother with the next series unless they get a new Dr.

:rolleyes:Here I go again I'm on one
29-09-2012 21:07
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Rammyrascal Offline
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Post: #365
RE: Dr Who
bit harsh to call matt smith a dickhead. bit surprised with some of the very neagtive comments about it, but thats your opinion. i stand by what i said earlier, it was a good solid episode with a very emotional ending. bring on xmas special

a member of the Piper Niven Cult
29-09-2012 21:33
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Scottishbloke Away

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Post: #366
RE: Dr Who
I must admit Matt Smith took a long time to grow on me but in the last season I think that's when he really made the Doctor Who role his own. His performances have really improved as has the script writing when you compare this season and the last and hold it up against Season 5.

A lot of reasons for this, first and foremost Steven Moffat took over as head writer in season 6 and his mark is well and truly rubber stamped throughout.

He has given all the characters a new lease of life, the scripts have been more challenging physically aswell as mentally. He has turned a show from what would have probably have been considered CBBC content into a much more darker and adult oriented audience and he must be applauded for that.
29-09-2012 21:57
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*Kal-El* Away

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Post: #367
RE: Dr Who

"No Clark I know Everything About You, I Didn’t Just Borrow Your DNA, I Have All Your Memories All Your Thoughts......Every Last Twisted One of Them”.
30-09-2012 02:04
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mellover Offline

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Post: #368
RE: Dr Who
Funny, It took me a year to finally watch the Matt Smith doctor (pissed off with all the changing) but right from the first 5 minutes I could see he was the second best doctor.
30-09-2012 02:37
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dazzad99 Offline
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Post: #369
RE: Dr Who
Overall very impressed with how this season has been but bit confusing with how they finished off the ponds, but that's how it is so onwards to the Christmas special
30-09-2012 08:58
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*Kal-El* Away

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Post: #370
RE: Dr Who

"No Clark I know Everything About You, I Didn’t Just Borrow Your DNA, I Have All Your Memories All Your Thoughts......Every Last Twisted One of Them”.
01-10-2012 17:25
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