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Dr Who

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Rammyrascal Offline
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Post: #761
RE: Dr Who
extended trailer for the time of the doctor

a member of the Piper Niven Cult
18-12-2013 20:54
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Doddle Offline
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Post: #762
RE: Dr Who
Glad to see they call him the 11th in that one, at least.

Clive James Wrote:Reality is a useful brake on megalomania.
18-12-2013 21:35
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M-L-L Offline
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Post: #763
RE: Dr Who
(18-12-2013 21:35 )Doddle Wrote:  Glad to see they call him the 11th in that one, at least.

Smile Hasn't Moffat already trailed his intention to completely "re-write the mythology" (shock ! horror Surprisedbladewave) by "revealing" that Smith is the 13th Doctor ? Seems a bit pointless when every man and his dog knows he's turning into Malcolm Tucker by the end of it anyway. Big Laugh

So the "suspense", such as it is, will be to see how yet again Moffat tries to punch his way out of a self-created paper bag by tricksy tricksy writing to get out of a self-referential continuity problem that only the most Bruce Willis of die hard fans really give a monkey's about ? shocked

So with one bound our hero was free and revealed to have more than 13 lives after all due to this extremely new concept I've just made up on the back of a fag packet to do with there not being any other Time Lords left to limit the number of regenerations he can have... or whatever, probably something to do with River bloody Song... bladewave

Oh yeah and by the way did I my mention my no doubt equally over-elaborate and ingenious explanation for why Sherlock isn't dead after all....? Rolleyes At least Arthur Conan Doyle had the decency to have the "death" take place "off screen" so it was at least half-way plausible that he could miraculously return "back from the dead", even if it was the old chestnut "fall off the cliff ?; no no my dear fellow that was just a cunning ruse, I never fell off at all".

Big Grin "Calm down, dear, it's just television.... " Big Grin
18-12-2013 22:26
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bytor Offline
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Post: #764
RE: Dr Who
Merry Christmas everyone. WTF was that all about?
25-12-2013 20:33
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circles_o_o_o Offline

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Post: #765
RE: Dr Who
Lost somewhere in the middle of that was some line about how he can be more than 12 incarnations.
But the thing that puzzled me was how the small boy in the Christmas town didn't get any older, while the doctor appeared to turn into an OAP. Huh
25-12-2013 20:40
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Rammyrascal Offline
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Post: #766
RE: Dr Who
Loved the time of the doctor this evening. Very good from start to finish with some funny moments, good action sequences and an emotional ending. Thought it was great getting any pond back given she was the first face the 13th doctor saw

Regarding the regeneration, this is how I've worked it out. Matt Smith's doctor was the 13th and last incarnation allowed, so that's why we saw him as an old man at the end, Clara appealed to the time lords for help and in response they gave the doctor a new set of 12 regenerations and Capaldi is the 14th incarnation of the doctor

a member of the Piper Niven Cult
25-12-2013 21:05
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bytor Offline
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Post: #767
RE: Dr Who
Well have to agree it was quite a good comedy programme. One or two funny moments.
However, the plot was too packed, too many supposed enemies that never really materialised and not sure why the Doctor felt obliged to stay on the planet in the first place, doesn't really add up given all his previous history. The show always seems to be a bit too rushed these days with little in the way of plot development. The regeneration was particularly quick, one second number 13, the next number 14.
Moffat needs to slow down the stories and give the bad guys their air of menace back. He also needs to make the plots less complicated and add more depth.
Having said all this it was still one of the best shows on over a dull Christmas schedule.
26-12-2013 08:56
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The Silent Majority Offline
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Post: #768
RE: Dr Who
I liked the show Smile

The only real disappointment was the story they concocted so Clara didn't have to go naked bladewave Wink
27-12-2013 07:58
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lovebabes56 Online
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Post: #769
RE: Dr Who
I thought it was good but like many of you have said it was way too packed. I would have liked to seen more enemies used not the usual suspects but
it would have been nice to have seen him delve further into the history of the show and brought to life one or two older enemies like the yeti and the spiders. I had always thought that the doctor was able to have 25 regenerations but I think the way those regeneration were dealt with were good.
I the way Matt regenerated into Peter should have been a little more emotional than it was or maybe could have been done with a nicer touch if Amy had stayed to see it.
Maybe in Peter's reign the producers will look at bringing back older enemies from his past and given them a more updated look.

27-12-2013 10:04
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Rammyrascal Offline
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Post: #770
RE: Dr Who
(27-12-2013 07:58 )The Silent Majority Wrote:  I liked the show Smile

The only real disappointment was the story they concocted so Clara didn't have to go naked bladewave Wink

yeah that was a disappointment Wink was great fun though imagining clara naked Smile

a member of the Piper Niven Cult
27-12-2013 12:02
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